====More Granular Skills==== ===Extra Dice Granularity=== __Effect of rule__: * Skills have more granularity. __Level of change__: Local __Summary__: Characters that miss a skill roll by 1 succeed if they can roll <= excess points in attribute. __Impacts__: * Skills have more granularity. __Playtest Reviews__: None __Details__: When calculating a skill roll, the 'excess' points in an attribute should be remembered. For example: att skill excess * 8 11- 0 * 9 11- 1 * 10 11- 2 * 11 11- 3 * 12 11- 4 * 13 12- 0 When a character fails a roll by 1, they may roll another d6. If they roll equal or less than their excess, they succeed anyway (but a marginal success). Mathematically the character should roll on a d5 for true accuracy - but d6 should be close enough. ===Temporary Bonus=== __Effect of rule__: * Skills have more granularity. __Level of change__: Local __Summary__: Characters may add 1 to their skill roll each adventure for each excess points in attribute. __Impacts__: * Skills have more granularity. __Playtest Reviews__: Suggested on [[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20035|the Hero Boards (post #2)]] __Details__: When calculating a skill roll, the 'excess' points in an attribute should be remembered. For example: att skill excess * 8 11- 0 * 9 11- 1 * 10 11- 2 * 11 11- 3 * 12 11- 4 * 13 12- 0 The character can raise their skill roll by 1 for a single roll a number of times per adventure equal to the excess ===Redefine Attributes to change Skills=== __Effect of rule__: * Skills have more granularity. * Attributes have a larger range. __Level of change__: Local __Summary__: Normal Characteristic Maxima becomes 30. Average human stat is now 15. Skill formula is "((ATT/5)+6) or less". __Impacts__: * Skills have more granularity. * Attributes have a larger range. * Will need to refactor Strength to lifting chart. __Playtest Reviews__: Suggested on [[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20035|the Hero Boards (post #9)]] __Details__: Normal Characteristic Maxima becomes 30. This is the normal human maximum attribute. Average human stat is redefined as 15. Skill formula is changed to "((ATT/5)+6) or less". Everyman skills may need to be altered to 6- Unless the average human can lift 200Kg, and the strongest human can lift 1.6 tons, it will be necessary to refigure the strength chart. This may well have flow on effects. It may be desirable to alter the Secondary Characteristic Formulae.