===== Create Homonculous ===== An alchemist can use this formula and a bit of his blood to create a small replica of himself to serve as a servant. Only oneThe wizard can only have one homonculous active at any given time. **College:** Matter \\ **Philosophy:** Alchemy \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Matter, Alchemy, Construct \\ **Effect:** Summon Homonculous \\ **Casting Time:** 1 Week \\ **Target/Area Affected:** Single Homonculous \\ **Duration:** Instant \\ **Range:** No Range \\ **Active Cost:** 44 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -2 \\ **Real Cost:** 5 \\ **END Cost:** 4 //**Create Homonculous:** Summon One Homonculous Built On Up To 110 Points - Slavishly Loyal (+1)(44 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Week; -4 1/2), OAF: Chemicals Needed To Form Homonculous And Some Of The Caster's Blood (Very Difficult To Obtain; -1 1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; Throughout Casting; -1), Gestures (Throughout; -1/2), Incantations (Throughout; -1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Alchemy Magic Roll (-1/2).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]