===== Cloud the Mind ===== \\ This spell allows the caster to completely cover up his thoughts and emotions. He is undetectable by people trying to sense emotional states, detect lies, or determine intent. **College:** Change, Information \\ **Philosophy:** Abjuration, Charm \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Change, Information, Abjuration, Charm, Mind Magic \\ **Effect:** Mental Group And Mystic Group Invisibility \\ **Casting Time:** 1/2 Phase \\ **Target/Area Affected:** Caster \\ **Duration:** Constant \\ **Range:** Self \\ **Active Cost:** 25 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -1 \\ **Real Cost:** 11 \\ **END Cost:** 2 //**Cloud the Mind:** Invisibility (Mental Group And Mystic Group), No Fringe (25 Active Points) - Only vs. Effects That Detect Emotions Or Intent (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Requires Either A Power Skill: Abjuration Magic Or A Power Skill: Charm Magic Roll (Player's Choice; -1/4).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]