===== Cerne's Word of Death ===== By use of this spell, the caster utters a single word of power that induces such utter shock and terror in whoever hears it that they can literally die of fright. **College:** Information \\ **Philosophy:** Charm \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Information, Charm, Death Magic \\ **Effect:** RKA 2d6 \\ **Casting Time:** 1/2 Phase \\ **Target/Area Affected:** 3 Meter Radius \\ **Duration:** Instant \\ **Range:** No Range \\ **Active Cost:** 105 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -5 \\ **Real Cost:** 105 \\ **END Cost:** 10 //**Cerne's Word of Death:** Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 - Area Effect (3 Meter Radius; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Does BODY (+1), No Normal Defense (Defense Is Any Presence Bought As Defense Only, Presence 25+, Power Defense, or Being Deaf; +1)(105 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Charm Magic Roll (Penalty Is -1/20 Active Points; -1/4), Spell (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]