====== A Problem With Specs ====== By Basil ([[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=908976&postcount=132|original post]]) All of the room in the north wing of the fourth floor have the same problem; anyone leaving their spectacles (i.e., eyeglasses) unattended will find them ... changed ... next time they pick them up. No matter what prescription the glasses had been ground to, they will be changed to be correct for someone with extraordinarily bad astigmatism; as well, the left side would correct 20/150 vision while the right is correct for someone with 20/20 vision. The frames, etc., will not change, nor will the material of the lenses. Note that non-prescription reading glasses are equally affected. Despite repeated attempts, no record can be found of anyone the altered glasses would fit, neither living nor dead. ====== ====== Back to [[..:creepy_hotel]]