====== Taxi ====== By Nothere ([[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/38795-Help-Me-Populate-A-Creepy-Hotel?p=1900523#post1900523|original post]]) Late one night at the bar the bar keep tells an old ghost story about a carriage driver who would appear to help stranded or people in a hurry. He would never charge for assisting them saying they could pay him later. Invariablly they who accepted the ride died in a week. That night or shortly after they realize they're late. Rushing to the front of the hotel they are lucky enough to spot a cab leaving. Waving it down they realize they don't have their wallet, and ask the cabbie to wait. The cabbie gestures for them to get in. "It's not like I don't know where you're staying. You can pay me later." ====== ====== Back to [[..:creepy_hotel]]