====== Table 541 - Religious Experience ====== ^ Roll ^ How it Begins ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Hostile encounter. Followers of the god are persecuting unbelievers | 541A | | 2 | Evangelism. Priests of the god press their beliefs on the character in hopes of gaining a new follower | 541A | | 3 | Curiosity. The character hears stories of the religion and goes to personally investigate | 541A | | 4 | An inner need. The character feels he must seek out the god's religion | 541A | | 5 | Voices. The character hears voices inside his head, speaking of the god and its religion | 541A | | 6 | Parent's religion. The character has grown up with the religion, but is now personally confronted with it. | 541A | | 7 | Friend's religion. A friend invites the character to come to his gods temple | 541A | | 8 | Refuge. It was raining (or snowing). The gods temple was the only warm and dry place with an open door | 541A | | 9 | A chance encounter. In a lonely place, the character meets an intriguing follower of the god | 541A | | 10 | Healing. The priests of the god heal the character of an injury or illness | 541A | Roll 1D20 a number of times equal to 1D3 on Table 541A. When finished return to the table that sent you here. ===== Table 541A ===== ^ Roll ^ Religious Event ^ | 1 | Claiming divine inspiration, the character forms a new religion devoted to a previously unknown god. The GM will determine the specifics of the new god. | | 2 | Character makes a pilgrimage to an important but distant shrine of the god. | | 3 | Character has a vision of the god's primary enemy. | | 4 | In a vision, the god asks the character to perform a sacred, but dangerous mission. | | 5-9 | Character joins the gods religion | | 10 | Character believes self to be a reincarnated hero or villain of the religion. | | 11 | Others believe the character to be a reincarnated hero or villain of the religion. | | 12 | Followers of the god accuse the character of a crime against their god. If the character is a follower of the god he is excommunicated. | | 13 | Character makes prophetic statements. Roll 1D10 on a result of 6-10 he becomes very unpopular for these statements. Gain Clairvoyant Package. | | 14 | Character joins in a holy war sponsored by the god's religion. Go to Table 12 - Military Experience to determine what happened during the campaign. Reroll if this happened during childhood. | | 15 | Character inadvertently desecrates a holy shrine. Roll on the table below. \\ 1-2 : God's followers persecute the character \\ 3 : Followers seek reparations \\ 4 : Followers shun character \\ 5 : Most other religions shun the character \\ 6 : Religious assassins seek characters death | | 16 | The character uncovers the activities of an evil cult. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : The cult seeks to have the character join them \\ 2 : The cult seeks to kill the character \\ 3-4 : Because of the character the forces of good were able to eradicate this local branch of the cult and the character becomes a hero \\ 5 : As above but now the cult is hunting the character \\ 6 : Others shun the character now possibly out of fear of the evil cult | | 17 | Enemies of the religion persecute the character | | 18 | The temple priests teach the character a skill appropriate to the religion | | 19 | The character studies with the priesthood for 1D4 years. Gain Layman Religion Skill Package | | 20 | By reading a book in the temple, the character learns more than he ever wished to know about evil powers and principalities. Roll 1D100, if the result is 80 or higher the knowledge causes the character to gain an exotic personality trait (roll on Table 649 - Exotic personality). Gain KS - Dark Religious Activities and Cults at a +5. | Back to [[character creation system]] Back to [[start]]