====== Table 1 - Land of Origin ====== ^ Roll ^ Land of Origin ^ Next Table ^ | 1-20 | Igard - Borderlands | 1A | | 21-40 | Igard - Central Province | 1A | | 41-60 | Igard - Brurello Valley | 1B | | 61-80 | Igard - Eibre Mountains | 1A | | 81-100 | Igard - Eastern Coast | 1C | ^ Table 1A ^ Table 1B ^ Table 1C ^ ^ ^ ^ Roll ^ Roll ^ Roll ^ Species ^ Next Table ^ | 1-70 | 1-15 | 1-15 | Human | 2 | | 71-85 | 16-85 | 16-30 | Thorgon | 2 | | 86-100 | 86-100 | 31-100 | Fex | 2 | Once your character's Species is determined go ahead and record it on your scratch paper. Continue to [[Table 2 - Cultural Background]] Back to [[character creation system]] Back to [[start]]