====== Table 11 - Childhood Events ====== When rolling on Table 11 - Childhood Events, be sure to roll 1d20 and add your Social Mod to the roll. Roll 1D3 times on this table. These events all happen between 1 and 12 years old. Once all of those have been determined, roll on this table 1D3 more times, the second set of events all happen between 13 and 18 years old. ^ Roll ^ Event ^ Next Table ^ | -2 or less | All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poor sectors of towns and villages. The characters family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class. | 12 | | -1 | While foraging in a trash heap the character finds an unusual object. | 863 | | 0 | Reroll, but do not add your Social Mod | 11 | | 1 | Characters friends involve him or her in illegal activities. | 534 | | 2 | A tragedy occurs | 528 | | 3 | Something wonderful occurs | 529 | | 4 | Learn an unusual skill | 876 | | 5 | Learn head of household's occupation to full competency. If no head of household or patron then re-roll | 12 | | 6 | Character runs away from home. Roll on table below. | | 1 | …and never returns | | 2 | …but returns after 1D8 days | | 3 | …but returns after 1D12 months | | 4 | …but returns after 1D6 years | | 5 | …to a distant land. Roll on Table 8A to determine which land. | | 6 | …and joins the circus | | 7 | …and falls into the hands of criminals. Roll on Table 534 - Underworld Experience to see what happens. | | 8 | …and lives with another culture. Roll on Tables 1 and 2 to determine the culture. | | 9 | …and wanders the land. Gain Forester Skill Package. | | 10 | Roll 1D3+1 times on this sub-table ignoring this result and combine the results into a single storyline. | | | 12 | | 7 | Character has a religious experience | 541 | | 8 | Family has the following attitudes towards the character. Roll on the table below. | | 1 | Character is loved by parents or guardian | | 2 | Character is unloved | | 3 | Family has great plans for the character and expects character to fulfill those plans | | 4 | Family does not approve of characters friends | | 5 | Family encourages characters interests | | 6 | One parent is distant and cold towards the character | | | 12 | | 9 | Character saves a Patron | 543 | | 10-11 | A special Age Specific event takes place. If this is during childhood roll on Table 11A. If this is during adolescence then roll on Table 11B. | 11A/11B | | 12 | Gain a friend | 750 | | 13 | A culture specific event takes place. See table below. | | Amo | Table 11C | | Doresti | Table 11D | | Igardian | Table 11E | | Lucani | Table 11F | | Trisin | Table 11G | | | 12 | | 14 | Roll on this table 1D3 times. All of these events happened within the same year. | 12 | | 15 | An exotic event occurred | 544 | | 16 | A change or upheaval occurs in the characters family. | 11H | | 17 | Something bad happens to the character. Roll on the table below. | | 1 | Character is abused by someone. Roll on Table 750 - Others | | 2 | A tragedy occurs. Roll on Table 528 - Tragedies | | 3 | Character is cursed by someone. Roll on Table 868 - Curses | | 4 | Character acquires a rival. Roll on Table 762 - Rivals | | | 12 | | 18 | Something god happens to the character. Roll on the table below. | | 1 | Character inherits a large sum of money. 10x the starting wealth of the character. | | 2 | Character is blessed for a good deed. Roll on Table 869 - Blessings | | 3 | Something wonderful occurs. Roll on Table 529 - Something Wonderful | | 4 | Character acquires a companion. Roll on Table 751 - Companions | | | 12 | | 19 | A special Age Specific event takes place. If this is during childhood roll on Table 11A. If this is during adolescence then roll on Table 11B. | 11A/11B | | 20 | Character develops jaded tastes for exotic and possibly expensive pleasures | 12 | | 21 | Roll again on this table without the Social Mod and subtract 1 from the roll | 11 | | 22 | Rivals force the family to move or face reprisals | 1 | | 23 | Something wonderful occurs | 529 | | 24 | A tragedy occurs | 528 | | 25 | Wealthy characters re-roll and add your Social Mod +5 to the roll. All others re-roll and your Social Mod +2 to the roll. | 11 | | 26 | Character is betrothed in a political marriage to be consummated once the character reaches adulthood. | 12 | | 27 | Head of Household is made a close advisor of a local ruler | 12 | | 28 | Family travels widely, visiting several countries. Gain Linguist Skill Enhancer | 12 | | 29 | A special tutor teaches the character an unusual skill | 876 | | 30 | Family throws an extravagant birthday party for the character. After it is over there is an unusual gift with no card or way of knowing who it is from. | 863 | | 31 | Character exhibits symptoms of an exotic personality | 649 | | 32 | Family gives the character 1D10 slaves | 12 | | 33 or higher | Family gives the character a personal estate of 1D10 square miles | 12 | ===== Table 11A ===== ^ Roll ^ Event ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | A kindly neighbor schools the character. Gin literacy in one language | 12 | | 2 | Character becomes emotionally attached to a toy and cannot bear to be parted from it for 2D10 years | 12 | | 3 | Character has a collection of related items, such as pretty rocks, animal skulls, dolls, sticks, leaves, etc. | 12 | | 4 | Character has a close friendship with a sibling (or a cousin if no siblings exist). Sibling is either the next oldest or next youngest in relation to the character | 12 | | 5 | Character has an imaginary friend | 12 | | 6 | Character is a childhood prodigy of an unusual skill. Roll on Table 876 - unusual Skills to determine what that is. | 12 | | 7 | Character learns use of a weapon appropriate to his culture and social status. | 12 | | 8 | The character and friend discover a secret hiding place near his home. The hiding place remains undiscovered and undisturbed at least until he becomes an adult. | 12 | | 9 | The character becomes proficient at a sporting event. Gain an appropriate sports skill | 12 | | 10 | A friend of the family, an old warrior, tells the character grand tales of adventure and daring do. | 12 | | 11 | The character becomes well-known, even famous for the occurrence of an event in his life. Roll on Table 11 - Childhood Events to determine what that is. | 12 | | 12 | One of the characters grandparents dies of natural causes in the presence of the character. Roll 1D10, on a result of 8-10 the grandparent entrusts the character with a secret. | 12 | | 13 | The character witnesses a crime being committed by 1D4 persons. The perpetrators of the crime see the character, but are unable to catch him. It may be possible that these criminals still seek the character even now. Roll on Table 875 - Crimes to determine the crime that was witnessed. | 12 | | 14 | A culture specific event takes place. See table below. | | Amo | Table 11C | | Doresti | Table 11D | | Igardian | Table 11E | | Lucani | Table 11F | | Trisin | Table 11G | | | 12 | | 15 | An exotic event occurred | 544 | | 16 | Through a brief misadventure, the character discovers that he is the nearly exact twin of a young noble. Roll on Table 758 - Nobles to determine the ranking. | 12 | | 17 | A tragedy occurs | 528 | | 18 | Something wonderful occurs | 529 | | 19 | An even that would normally occur in adolescence occurs. | 11B | | 20 | The character acquires a hobby. Roll on Table 427 - Hobbies to determine what it is. | 12 | The events on Table 11H may result in a change to your Culture or Social Status. If this occurs be sure to change your Culture Mod or Social mod to the represent the new scores. Just erase the old scores and replace them. Once you have finished with this table, return to the table that originally sent you here. ===== Table 11H ===== ^ Roll ^ Event ^ Next Table ^ | 1-2 | Family moves to another district. If this event happens during childhood change the characters culture to represent the new one. If this happens during adolescence, record the move but don't change the characters cultural information | 1 | | 3 | Character changes social status | 3 | | 4 | Head of household changes occupations | 10 | | 5 | Parents split up. Roll 1D6. On a result of 1-3 character stays with Mother on a result of 4-6 character stays with father. The parent the character stays with remarries in 1D3 years. If character was raised by someone other than parents Reroll. | 12 | | 6 | Roll twice on this table. Reroll duplicates and any result over 5. | 11H | Continue to [[Table 12 - Military Experience]] Back to [[character creation system]] Back to [[start]]