====== Table 10 - Parents ====== Table 10 - Parents is designed to add some details to the person or persons that raised the character. If the occupation of the person(s) that raised the character has already been determined (or if they were not raised by a "person" at all) then ignore this table and go on to Table 11 - Childhood Events. Table 10 - Parents refers to the "Head of Household", this represents whoever is in charge of the household that the character was raised in and could be a Mother, Father, Grandparent, Aunt or Uncle, etc. ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^^ ^ ^ ^ Amo ^ All Others ^ | 1-12 | Head of Household has one occupation | 10A | 10C | | 13-14 | Head of Household has one primary occupation and a second part-time occupation. | 10A | 10C | | 15-16 | Head of Household does not work. One other member of the household has an occupation. | 10A | 10C | | 17-18 | Two members of the Household have occupations. | 10A | 10C | | 19 | Head of Household is or was an adventurer | 10D | 10D | | 20 | Head of Household does not have a discernible occupation but always seems to have money available when it is needed. GM secretly determines the reason on Table 10E. | 10E | 10E | ===== Table 10A ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1-2 | Craftsman | 10F | | 3-8 | Farmer. Gain Farmer Skill Package | 10N | | 9-11 | Fisherman. Gain Fisherman Skill Package | 10N | | 12-13 | Herdsman. Gain Herdsman Skill Package | 10N | | 14-15 | Hunter. Gain Hunter Skill Package | 10N | | 16-17 | Warrior. Gain Warrior Skill Package | 10N | | 18 | Craftsman | 10F | | 19 | Merchant | 10G | | 20 | Special Occupation | 10B | ===== Table 10B ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1-7 | Civilized Occupation | 10C | | 8-9 | Shaman. Gain Shaman Skill Package | | 10N | | 10 | Healer/Herbalist. Gain Healer Skill Package | 10N | | 11 | Adventurer | 10D | | 12 | Career Criminal | 10H | | 13 | Warrior. Gain Warrior Skill Package | 10N | | 14 | Runeschrivjer. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 15 | Shaman. Gain Shaman Skill Package | | 10N | | 16 | Horsemaster. Gain Horsemaster Skill Package | 10N | | 17 | Explorer. Gain Explorer Skill Package | 10N | | 18 | Skald. Gain Skald Skill Package | 10N | | 19 | Forester. Gain Forester Skill Package | 10N | | 20 | Craftsman | 10F | When rolling on Table 10C, make sure to roll 1D10 and add your Social Mod to it. ===== Table 10C ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 5 or less | Lower Class Occupation | 10I | | 6-7 | Special Occupation | 10J | | 8-11 | Middle Class Occupation | 10K | | 12-14 | Upper Class Occupation | 10L | | 15 | Special Occupation | 10J | | 16 or higher | Upper Class Occupation | 10L | ===== Table 10D ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1-2 | Runeschrivjer. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 3-6 | Priest | 10M | | 7-11 | Warrior. Gain Warrior Skill Package | 10N | | 12-14 | Thief. Gain Thief Skill Package | 10N | | 15 | Ranger. Gain Ranger Skill Package | 10N | | 16 | Shaman. Gain Shaman Skill Package | | 10N | | 17 | Spirit Binder. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 18-19 | Bard. Gain Bard Skill Package | 10N | | 20 | Seeker. Gain Seeker Skill Package | 10N | ===== Table 10E ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Gets money from a treasure hoard that he/she found while adventuring. Roll on Table 10D to determine past adventuring profession. Player does not know of this past and does not gain a skill package from it. | 10- | | 2 | "Parent" is secretly a thief and gets his/her income from stealing. | 10- | | 3 | "Parent" gets their money from a secret inheritance | 10- | | 4 | "Parent" chanced upon a buried treasure and takes from it as needed. | 10- | | 5 | "Parent" receives money from investments | 10- | | 6 | "Parent" counterfeits the money as needed | 10- | ===== Table 10F ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Blacksmith. Gain Blacksmith Skill Package. | 10N | | 2 | Potter. Gain Potter Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Weaver. Gain Weaver Skill Package. | 10N | | 4 | Stone Mason. Gain Stone Mason Skill Package. | 10N | | 5 | Bowyer. Gain Bowyer Skill Package. | 10N | | 6 | Baker. Gain Baker Skill Package. | 10N | | 7 | Butcher. Gain Butcher Skill Package. | 10N | | 8 | Carpenter. Gain Carpenter Skill Package. | 10N | | 9 | Tanner. Gain Tanner Skill Package. | 10N | | 10 | Rope Maker. Gain Rope Maker Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Leather Worker. Gain Leather Worker Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Cobbler. Gain Cobbler Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Basket Weaver. Gain Basket Weaver Skill Package. | 10N | | 14 | Cooper. Gain Cooper Skill Package. | 10N | | 15 | Painter. Gain Painter Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Spinner. Gain Spinner Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Dyer. Gain Dyer Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Fletcher. Gain Fletcher Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Sailmaker. Gain Sailmaker Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Saddle Maker. Gain Saddle Maker Skill Package. | 10N | When rolling on Table 10G please roll 1D20 and add your Social Mod to it. ===== Table 10G ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 0 or less | Pawnshop Owner. Gain Pawnshop Owner Skill Package. | 10N | | 1 | Caravan Master. Gain Caravan Master Skill Package. | 10N | | 2 | Trader. Gain Trader Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Tavernkeeper. Gain Tavernkeeper Skill Package. | 10N | | 4 | Innkeeper. Gain Innkeeper Skill Package. | 10N | | 5 | Dry Goods Seller. Gain Dry Goods Seller Skill Package. | 10N | | 6 | Curio Merchant. Gain Curio Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 7 | Snake Oil Salesman. Gain Con-Artist Skill Package. | 10N | | 8 | Book Seller. Gain Book Seller Skill Package. | 10N | | 9 | Clothing Seller. Gain Clothing Seller Skill Package. | 10N | | 10 | Weapon Shop Owner. Gain Weapon Shop Owner Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Fishmonger. Gain Fishmonger Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Green Grocer. Gain Green Grocer Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Wine Merchant. Gain Wine Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 14 | Importer. Gain Importer Skill Package. | 10N | | 15 | Furniture Dealer. Gain Furniture Dealer Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Slaver. Gain Slaver Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Carpet & Tapestry. Gain Tapestry Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Livestock Trader. Gain Livestock Trader Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Shipping Agent. Gain Shipping Agent Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Silk Merchant. Gain Silk Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 21 | Art Dealer. Gain Art Dealer Skill Package. | 10N | | 22 | Gem Merchant. Gain Gem Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 23 | Real Estate Broker. Gain Real Estate Broker Skill Package. | 10N | | 24 | Lumber Merchant. Gain Lumber Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 25-28 | Master Merchant - Roll 1D6+1 to determine the number of businesses he owns and then roll on this table that many times. Ignore any future roll over 25. Gain Master Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | | 29 or higher | Monopoly. Roll again to determine the business he owns and this person controls every single one of those businesses in the characters home city. Gain Executive Merchant Skill Package. | 10N | ===== Table 10H ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Murderer. Gain Murderer Skill Package. | 10N | | 2 | Kidnapper. Gain Kidnapper Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Guild Thief. Gain Thief Skill Package. | 10N | | 4 | Pickpocket. Gain Pickpocket Skill Package. | 10N | | 5 | Extortionist/Blackmailer. Gain Blackmailer Skill Package. | 10N | | 6 | Con-Artist. Gain Con-Artist Skill Package. | 10N | | 7 | Street Thief. Gain Thief Skill Package. | 10N | | 8 | Highwayman. Gain Highwayman Skill Package. | 10N | | 9 | Bandit. Gain Highwayman Skill Package. | 10N | | 10 | Professional Assassin. Gain Assassin Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Smuggler. Gain Smuggler Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Mugger. Gain Mugger Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Horse Thief. Gain Rustler Skill Package. | 10N | | 14 | Rustler. Gain Rustler Skill Package. | 10N | | 15 | Thug. Gain Thug Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Pimp. Gain Pimp Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Prostitute. Gain Prostitute Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Gang Leader. Gain Gang Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Rapist. Gain Kidnapper Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Pirate. Gain Pirate Skill Package. | 10N | ===== Table 10I ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Beggar. Gain Beggar Skill Package | 10N | | 2-6 | Farmer - Roll on the table below. \\ 1-2 : Freeman Farmer. Gain Farmer Skill Package \\ 3 : Herder. Gain Herder Skill Package \\ 4 : Sharecropper. Gain Farmer Skill Package | 10N | | 7 | Tinker. Gain Tinker Skill Package | 10N | | 8 | Sailor. Gain Sailor Skill Package | 10N | | 9-10 | Laborer. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Miner. Gain Miner Skill Package. \\ 2 : Stone Cutter. Gain Stone Cutter Skill Package. \\ 3 : Wood Cutter. Gain Wood Cutter Skill Package. \\ 4 : Charcoal Burner. Gain Charcoal Burner Skill Package. \\ 5-6 : Unskilled Laborer. Gain Laborer Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Launderer. Gain Launderer Skill Package. | 10N | | 12-14 | Fisherman. Gain Fisherman Skill Package. | 10N | | 15 | Household Servant. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Butler. Gain Butler Skill Package. \\ 2 : Cook. Gain Cook Skill Package. \\ 3 : Housekeeper. Gain Housekeeper Skill Package. \\ 4 : Gardner. Gain Gardner Skill Package. \\ 5 : Stable Hand. Gain Stable Hand Skill Package. \\ 6 : Footman. Gain Footman Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Tavern/Inn Employee. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Bartender. Gain Bartender Skill Package. \\ 2 : Serving Person. Gain Waiter Skill Package. \\ 3 : Housekeeper. Gain Housekeeper Skill Package. \\ 4 : Bouncer. Gain Thug Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Street Vender. Gain Trader Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Soldier | 10O | | 19 | Craftsman | 10F | | 20 | Tinker. Gain Tinker Skill Package | 10N | ===== Table 10J ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Professional Assassin. Gain Assassin Skill Package. | 10N | | 2 | Gladiator. Gain Warrior Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Adventurer. | 10D | | 4 | Career Criminal. | 10H | | 5 | Priest | 10M | | 6 | Runeschrivjer. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 7 | Jack-Of-All-Trades. Gain Jack-Of-All-Trades Skill Enhancer. | 10N | | 8 | Bard. Gain Bard Skill Package | 10N | | 9 | Printer. Gain Printer Skill Package. | 10N | | 10 | Spy. Gain Assassin Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Guild Thief. Gain Thief Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Astrologer. Gain Astrologer Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Rumormonger. Gain Well Connected Skill Enhancer. | 10N | | 14 | Priest | 10M | | 15 | Spirit Binder. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 16 | Professional Gambler. Gain Gambler Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Healer/Herbalist. Gain Healer Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Veterinarian. Gain Veterinarian Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Ship Builder. Gain Shipwright Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Roll Again | 10J | ===== Table 10K ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Money Lender. Gain Money Lender Skill Package. | 10N | | 2-5 | Merchant | 10G | | 6 | Business Owner. Roll again on Table 10I to determine what business. The NPC does not actually do the work him or herself. | 10I | | 7-8 | Craftsman | 10P | | 9 | Instructor - Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Weapon Use. Gain Warrior Package. \\2 : Roll on Table 10Q to determine the skill he/she teaches. \\ 3 : Military Skill. Roll on the table below. \\ * 1 : Table 10R \\ * 2 : Table 10S \\ * 3 : Table 10T \\ * 4 : Table 10U \\ 4 : A Craft. Roll on the table below. \\ * 1-2 : Table 10F \\ * 3-4 : Table 10P \\ * 5-6 : Table 10V | 10N | | 10 | Government Official. | 10W | | 11 | Craftsman | 10F | | 12 | Chef. Gain Cook Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | An Overseer. Roll on Table 10I to determine the workers he oversees. Gain the appropriate Skill Package. | 10I | | 14 | Innkeeper. Gain Innkeeper Skill Package | 10N | | 15 | Scribe. Gain Scribe Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Guide. Gain Forester Skill Package. | 10N | | 17 | Ship Captain. Gain Sailor Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Engineer. Gain Engineer Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Teacher. Gain Teacher Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Tavern Owner. Gain Tavernkeeper Skill Package. | 10N | ===== Table 10L ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Runeschrivjer. Gain A-Ar Bloodline Skill Package | 10N | | 2 | Engineer. Gain Engineer Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Architect. Gain Architect Skill Package. | 10N | | 4 | Chiurgeon. Gain Chiurgeon Skill Package. | 10N | | 5-7 | Merchant | 10G | | 8 | Craftsman | 10V | | 9 | Courtier/Courtesan. Gain Courtier Skill Package. | 10N | | 10 | Diplomat. Gain Diplomat Skill Package. | 10N | | 11 | Author/Playwright/Poet. Gain Poet Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Barrister. Gain Barrister Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Philosopher. Gain Philosopher Skill Package. | 10N | | 14 | Craftsman | 10P | | 15 | Interpreter. Gain Linguist Skill Enhancer. | 10N | | 16 | Government Official. | 10W | | 17 | Banker. Gain Moneylender Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Business Owner. Roll again on Table 10I to determine what business. The NPC does not actually do the work him or herself. | 10I | | 19 | Landlord. Roll 1D10 for number of properties owned. Gain Real Estate Broker Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Guild Master. | 10P | Table 10M determines the religious orientation of a Priest NPC. The character will acquire the Religious Upbringing Skill Package that is appropriate for the religious orientation rolled below. ===== Table 10M ===== ^ Roll ^ Lucani ^ Doresti ^ All Others ^ Next Table ^ | 1-2 | Sorcerer-Priest | Manes | Red Gods | 10N | | 3-4 | Sorcerer-Priest | Shosmayumi | Red Gods | 10N | | 5-20 | Sorcerer-Priest | Fendirisha | Red Gods | 10N | | 21-22 | Sorcerer-Priest | Ispa | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 23-24 | Sorcerer-Priest | Pola | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 25-26 | Sorcerer-Priest | Xesina | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 27-28 | Sorcerer-Priest | Phraotes | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 29-30 | Sorcerer-Priest | Testian | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 31-32 | Sorcerer-Priest | Chulashmel | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 33-34 | Sorcerer-Priest | Eiri | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 35-36 | Sorcerer-Priest | Tannermet | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 37-38 | Sorcerer-Priest | Varro | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 39-40 | Sorcerer-Priest | Vashti | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 41-42 | Sorcerer-Priest | Ereldar | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 43-44 | Sorcerer-Priest | Maidet | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 45-46 | Sorcerer-Priest | Ofrinea | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 47-48 | Sorcerer-Priest | Siterrist | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 49-50 | Sorcerer-Priest | Tengiron | Yellow Gods | 10N | | 51-52 | Sorcerer-Priest | Deelath | Blue Gods | 10N | | 53-54 | Sorcerer-Priest | Ezema | Blue Gods | 10N | | 55-56 | Sorcerer-Priest | Ezemend | Blue Gods | 10N | | 57-58 | Sorcerer-Priest | Jannet | Blue Gods | 10N | | 59-60 | Sorcerer-Priest | Lamber | Blue Gods | 10N | | 61-62 | Sorcerer-Priest | Mininyen | Blue Gods | 10N | | 63-64 | Sorcerer-Priest | Nantunas | Blue Gods | 10N | | 65-66 | Sorcerer-Priest | Vamind | Blue Gods | 10N | | 67-82 | Sorcerer-Priest | Pane | Blue Gods | 10N | | 83-84 | Sorcerer-Priest | Xeruvames | Blue Gods | 10N | | 85-86 | Sorcerer-Priest | Nemera | Blue Gods | 10N | | 87-88 | Sorcerer-Priest | Otames | Blue Gods | 10N | | 89-90 | Sorcerer-Priest | Reshan | Blue Gods | 10N | | 91-92 | Sorcerer-Priest | Mani | Blue Gods | 10N | | 93-94 | Sorcerer-Priest | Maserestus | Blue Gods | 10N | | 95-96 | Sorcerer-Priest | Octitius | Blue Gods | 10N | | 97-98 | Sorcerer-Priest | Sautia | Blue Gods | 10N | | 99-100 | Sorcerer-Priest | Merele | Blue Gods | 10N | Table 10N creates noteworthy characteristics of the NPC. Please roll 1D3 times on the table below. Sometimes you will be asked to go to another table to generate some detail or other. If asked to do so, then generate the specific detail and then return here until all 1D3 traits are finished, then go on to Table 11 - Childhood Events. ===== Table 10N ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Noted for a particular personality trait. Roll on the table below. \\ 1-3 : Table 647 - Light Traits \\ 4-5 : Table 648 - Dark Traits \\ 6 : Table 649 - Exotic Traits | 11 | | 2 | NPC had 1D3 Unusual Birth Circumstances. Roll these on Table 9 - Unusual Births with no modifiers. | 11 | | 3 | Devotes time to a hobby. Roll on Table 427 - Hobbies | 11 | | 4 | Possesses an unusual item. Roll on Table 863 - Gifts and Legacies | 11 | | 5 | NPC is particularly inventive, creative, possibly even artistic | 11 | | 6 | NPC was affected by an exotic event that is spoken of often. Roll on Table 544 - Exotic Events | 11 | | 7 | NPC talks of a legendary lost treasure and even has vague hints as to its possible location | 11 | | 8 | NPC has an obsession regarding something that happened (or might happen). Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : A relationship with someone. Roll on Table 750 - Others \\ 2 : A significant event from their past. Roll on Table 11 - Childhood Events \\ 3 : The working out of a personality trait. Roll on the table below. \\ * 1-3 : Table 647 - Light Traits \\ * 4-6 : Table 648 - Dark Traits \\ 4 : The accomplishment of a motivation. Roll on Table 1000 - Motivations \\ 5 : Accomplishing a future event. Roll on Table 217 - Adulthood Events \\ 6 : Preventing a future event. Roll on Table 217 - Adulthood Events | 11 | | 9 | NPC has a secret identity. Roll on Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status and then determine the profession of the secret identity. | 11 | | 10 | NPC has a patron. Roll on Table 543 - In Service Of… | 11 | | 11 | NPC is a military veteran. Roll on Table 12 - Military Experience. | 11 | | 12 | NPC is very religious and tries to evangelize others to join his faith. Roll on Table 10M to determine the religion. | 11 | | 13 | NPC is noted for (or hesitant to speak about) something that occurred in their past. Roll on the table below. | | 1 | Roll on Table 217 - Adulthood Events. NPC is famous; possibly even a hero, for this event. | | 2 | Roll on Table 217 - Adulthood Events. NPC is persecuted; possibly even villanized, for this event. | | 3 | NPC is locally important and not just another face in the crowd | | 4 | Roll on Table 217 - Adulthood Events. NPC will not talk about this event. | | | 11 | | 14 | NPC's family relationship involves something noteworthy. Roll on the table below. | | 1 | NPC is particularly loving towards his family | | 2 | NPC does not love his family or children | | 3 | NPC is unfaithful to spouse | | 4 | NPC was previously married 1D4 times | | | 11 | | 15-16 | NPC was originally from another land. Roll on Table 8A | 11 | | 17 | NPC was originally from a different Social Status. Roll on Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status | 11 | | 18 | NPC has noteworthy friends and/or enemies. Roll on table below. | | 1 | NPC has a rival. Roll on Table 762 - Rivals to determine the nature of the rivalry. Roll 1D6 on a result of 5-6, the rivalry extends to the player. | | 2 | NPC had many enemies. Roll 1D10+2 to determine the number. Roll on Table 762 - Rivals to determine the nature of each enemy. Roll 1D6 on a result of 5-6, the enemy extends to the player. | | 3 | NPC had many friends. Roll 1D10+2 to determine the number. | | 4 | NPC has 1D6+1 jilted lovers | | 5 | NPC had a companion. Roll on Table 761 - Companions | | 6 | Roll twice more on this table, re-rolling 6's and duplicates. | | | 11 | | 19 | NPC was horribly wounded. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds | 11 | | 20 | NPC is noted for their extremely unusual personality. Roll 1D3 times on Table 649 - Exotic Traits | 11 | ===== Table 10W ===== ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1 | Scribe. Gain Scribe Skill Package. | 10N | | 2 | Clerk. Gain Clerk Skill Package. | 10N | | 3 | Legionnaire. Gain Legionnaire Skill Package. | 10N | | 4 | Military Tribune. Gain Military Tribune Skill Package. | 10N | | 5 | Decurion. Gain Decurion Skill Package. | 10N | | 6-7 | Quaestor. Gain Quaestor Skill Package. | 10N | | 8 | Diplomat. Gain Diplomat Skill Package. | 10N | | 9 | Aedile. Gain Aedile Skill Package. | 10N | | 10-11 | Praetor. Gain Praetor Skill Package. | 10N | | 12 | Consul. Gain Consul Skill Package. | 10N | | 13 | Plebian Tribune. Gain Plebian Tribune Skill Package. | 10N | | 14 | Secret Policeman. Gain Secret Policeman Skill Package. | 10N | | 15 | Legionnaire. Gain Legionnaire Skill Package. | 10N | | 16 | Army Officer. Go to Table 538 - Military Rank to determine the actual rank. | 10N | | 17 | Aedile. Gain Aedile Skill Package. | 10N | | 18 | Senator. Gain Senator Skill Package. | 10N | | 19 | Quaestor. Gain Quaestor Skill Package. | 10N | | 20 | Spy. Gain Spy Skill Package. | 10N | Continue to [[Table 11 - Childhood Events]] Back to [[character creation system]] Back to [[start]]