====== Links for Champions (Super)Hero Resources ====== Aberrant (& Trinity) by White Wolf Authority RPG & Resource Book by Guardians of Order Blood of Heroes by Blood of Heroes by Brave New World by Pinnacle Games/Alderac Entertainment Group Cartoon Action Hour RPG by Z-Man Games, Inc. Champions by Hero Games DC Heroes by Mayfair Games DC Universe Role-Playing Game by Enforcers by F.R.E.E.Lancers by TSR Guardians & Justifiers by StarChilde Publications Godlike by Hobgoblynn Press Godsend Agenda D6 by Khepera Publishing Golden Heroes by Games Workshop GURPS Supers by Steve Jackson Games Heroes Forever by Guild of Blades Heroes Unlimited (RIFTS) by Palladium Games Heroic Conquest by Renaissance Ink Heroic Do-Gooders and Dastardly Deed-Doers by Mathew Van Dinter Heroic Visions by New Vision Comics Marvel Universe Role Playing Game by Marvel Publishing Group Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game by TSR Mutants and Masterminds by Green Ronin Publishing Nocturnals by Green Ronin Publishing Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. PowerGame by Silver Age Sentinels by Guardians of Order Superhero 2044 Super Squadron - an Australian game "inspired" by Villains and Vigilantes Superworld by Chaosium Superbabes (Femforce) by Tri-City Games Supergame by DAG Productions Super-Sentinels by Judge's Guild Super Squadron by Adventure Simulations Supervillains by Task Force Games San Angelo: City of Heroes by Gold Rush Games The Dragons Gate San Angelo’s Chinatown by Gold Rush Games TORG - by West End Games Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness by Palladium Games - based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books. The Algeron Files by BlackWyrm Villians and Vigilantes (Living Legends) by Fantasy Games Unlimited Underworld by Mayfair Games Wild Talents - published by Arc Dream Superhero Resources\\ http://www.rpgnow.com/default.php?cPath=1_18 International Superheroes - Pulp Heroes\\ http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/nonus.htm Wikipedia - Superheroes\\ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superheroes ===== List of DC Comics characters ===== ===== List of Marvel Comics characters ===== Brave New World "to HERO Conversions & Adaptations"\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28266 Villains & Vigilantes (aka Living Legends) "to HERO Adaptations & Conversions*\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26137 Other RPGs converted to HERO System\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23298&highlight=converted+System !mpact\\ http://coverprice.com/mpactcomics1.html MLJ Super Special\\ http://members.rogers.com/mlj_heroes/steel_sterling.htm The Mighty Crusaders of Justice\\ http://www.mightycrusaders.net/jansen.htm\\ http://www.mightycrusaders.net/links.htm The Fly\\ http://darkmark6.tripod.com/flyindex.htm The Mighty Crusaders\\ http://darkmark6.tripod.com/mighty_crusaders_index.html Toonopedia\\ http://www.toonopedia.com/ GoldComics\\ http://www.goldcomics.com/forum/ Kristoff’s Big Hero Emporium\\ http://www.angelfire.com/comics/bighero/files/mlj.html Conveted to Marvel Superheroes - ;) \\ http://www.geocities.com/the_black_condor/stats/stats-mc.html#1 Jaguar - DarkMark's Comics Index\\ http://darkmark6.tripod.com/jaguar_index.html International Superheroes\\ http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/a/archiecom.htm#Impact DC/!mpact Comics\\ http://www.toonopedia.com/dc.htm Matt's Champions Page - The 250 Point Project\\ http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/mathew/champions.html RPG Open Directory - Super Heroes Roleplaying\\ http://www.cbel.com/super_heroes_roleplaying/ Dejay's Champions Write Ups\\ http://www.mactyre.net/scm/deejay/champs/writeups.html Red October\\ http://www.mactyre.net/october/index.html The Wild Hunt - X-Men\\ http://the-wild-hunt.org/ Ironclaw Anthropomorphic RPG by Sanguine Productions Ltd Living Legends\\ http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/l/livlegen.htm The Villians & Vigilantes Emporium - Art & Stuff\\ http://www.paratime.ca/v_and_v/ Morpheus Unbound\\ http://www.patric.net/morpheus/legend/ "The Crusaders" converted to Hero \\ http://www.bcholmes.org/rpgs/crusaders/index.html Liberty The American Girl - Multipul Conversions\\ http://powerheroes.com/gaming.htm Villians & Vigilantes Campaign Headquaters - Interesting, hmmm...\\ http://home.pcisys.net/~pandemonium/v&v/index.html ==== Perhaps these links from the RPG conversion thread would be pertinent: ==== Detailed conversion notes:\\ http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24210 Lost Secrets of IST\\ http://www.eclipse.net/~rms/istworld.html IST San Angelo\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24202 Writeups for the Destroyers villain team, from Death Duel with the Destroyers:\\ http://www.patric.net/morpheus/cast/legend/destroy.html Writeup for Surge, from the DNAgents Sourcebook:\\ Marvel Directory(Thanks csyphrett) \\ http://www.marveldirectory.com/ Marvel Guide (Thanks csyphrett) \\ http://www.comicboards.com/marvelguide/ Jess Nevins's Golden Age site: (Thanks csyphrett) \\ http://ratmmjess.tripod.com/gold/page.html History of the JSA (including E-2 related characters such as Infinity Inc, Starman, ALl Star Squadron): (Thanks csyphrett) \\ http://www.mykey3000.com/cosmicteams/jsa/index.html Google Images Search - Heroclix \\ http://images.google.ca/images?q=Heroclix&hl=en&lr=&sa=N&tab=wi Superfigs\\ http://www.superfigs.net/ The Delta Times (Once "THE" place for BNW)\\ Delta Conspiracy (Once a great BNW Resource)\\ Delta World \\ http://cdekalb.tripod.com/ Brave New Web\\ http://www.geocities.com/encaf1/bnw/index.html Steven Crow’s BNW Page\\ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/bnw_home.htm Lee’s Useless Superhero Generator\\ http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/herogen/ The Caiman City Project (Check this one out) \\ http://www.golconda.de/bnw/ Superhero Resources\\ http://www.rpgnow.com/default.php?cPath=1_18& Lost Secrets of IST\\ http://www.eclipse.net/~rms/istworld.html IST San Angelo\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24202 The Master Lists of Limitations:\\ http://www.globalguardians.com/master%20lists/\\ Hosted by the Global Guardians PBEM, this is a vast archive of custom Physical, Mental and Social Limitations created by HERO gamers. If you've wanted to give your character an unusual Disadvantage but weren't sure how it should work or what it would cost, chances are you'll find something useful here. Hero Games Product List:\\ http://rhinobunny.com/derek/champio...ogameslist.html\\ Derek Hiemforth has compiled this virtually complete list of all books, modules, and e-books that contain HERO System material, from every edition, by every publisher. Thorough and well-organized, this list is a must for the completist collector. Random Character Generator:\\ http://www.trimira.com/hero_stuff/hero_stuff.html\\ Fellow board member niakki has created this wonderful generator for Champions and FH characters. Very flexible and customizable, just the thing for whipping up an NPC on short notice, or givng a design-challenged player a PC to work with. The Great Net Book of Real Heroes:\\ http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/index.html\\ A huge but coherently organized collection of comic-book and other characters from multiple sources, converted to HERO System stats. Submitted by many authors, often resulting in multiple interpretations of the same character. Many of these are still in 4E HERO, but are easy enough to update. Marvel Directory (Thanks Vanguard00)\\ http://www.marveldirectory.com/xoops/modules/wordbook/ Other RPGs converted to HERO System (Thanks Lord Laiden)\\ http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23298&highlight=RPGs+converted+HERO+System\\