====== Power Icons ====== ===== Icon parts ===== The heraldry of a power icon contains the following parts- * The Charge * The unique image that represents the name of the power * The Field * The power type * The Ordinaries * The duration * The Supporter * The target * The Subordinaries * The range * The Helm * If it uses Endurance ==== Power Types ==== * Adjustment = plus and minus symbols * Attack = fist * Automaton = zeroes and ones * Body = body profile (hero symbol) * Defense = shield * Mental = eye of horus * Movement = running legs * Sense-Affecting = wavy lines * Sensory = eyes * Size = elephant silhouette * Special = asterisks * Standard = nothing ==== Duration ==== * Constant = wavy line * Instant = nothing * Persistent = double straight line ==== Target ==== * Area = hexes * Self Only = body silhouette (hero symbol) * Target’s DCV = shield * Target’s DMCV = black square * Target’s OCV = sword ==== Range ==== * Self = body silhouette (hero symbol) * Varies = question mark * Yes = parabola * Yes/LOS = line connected to an eye symbol * Yes/x10m = Roman numeral for ten ==== Endurance ==== * Each END point = black teardrop * Each 5 END points = white teardrop ===== Powers ===== ^ Power Name ^ Power Type ^ Duration ^ Target ^ Range ^ END ^ Description of Icon ^ Icon ^ ^ Absorption | Adjustment | Constant | Self Only | Self | N | sponge | | ^ Aid | Adjustment | Instant | Target’s DCV | No | Y | bandaid | | ^ Barrier | Standard/Defense | Instant | Area | Yes/x10m | Y | wall | | ^ Blast (vs PD) | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | brick filled explosion | | ^ Blast (vs ED) | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | white filled explosion | | ^ Cannot Be Stunned | Special/Automaton | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | stun symbol over battery | | ^ Change Environment | Standard/Attack | Constant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | stylised raincloud | | ^ Characteristics | Standard | Persistent | Self Only | Self | Varies | characteristic symbol | | ^ Clairsentience | Standard/Sensory | Constant | Area | Yes/x10m | Y | three eyes | | ^ Clinging | Standard | Constant | Self Only | Self | N | spider | | ^ Damage Negation | Standard/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | OCV symbol crossed out | | ^ Damage Reduction | Standard/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | small OCV symbol, less than sign, OCV symbol | | ^ Darkness | Standard/Attack/Sense-Affecting | Constant | Area | Yes/x10m | Y | black cloud | | ^ Deflection | Standard/Defense | Instant | Target’s OCV | Yes/x10m | Y | bullet ricochet | | ^ Density Increase | Standard/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | weight | | ^ Desolidification | Standard/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | ghost | | ^ Dispel | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | wand | | ^ Does Not Bleed | Special/Automaton | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | body symbol crossed out | | ^ Drain | Adjustment/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | drain | | ^ Duplication | Special/Body | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | two body silhouttes (hero symbols) | | ^ Endurance Reserve | Special | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | teardrops over car battery | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Hearing Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | ear | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Mental Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye of horus | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Radio Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | antenna | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Sight Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Smell/Taste Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | nose | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Touch Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | hand | | ^ Enhanced Senses (Unusual Group) | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | see below | | ^ ... Active Sonar | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | bat ear | | ^ ... Enhanced Perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | binoculars | | ^ ... High Range Radio Perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | radio tower | | ^ ... Infrared Perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye looking at black square | | ^ ... Mental Awareness | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye looking at eye of horus | | ^ ... Nightvision | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye looking at crescent moon | | ^ ... Radar | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | radar screen | | ^ ... Radio Perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | antenna and ear | | ^ ... Radio Perception/Transmission | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | antenna and ear and mouth | | ^ ... Spatial Awareness | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | grid | | ^ ... Ultrasonic Perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | bat ear and ear | | ^ ... Ultraviolet perception | Special/Sensory | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | eye looking at white square | | ^ Entangle | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | web | | ^ Extra-Dimensional Movement | Movement | Instant | Self Only | Self | Y | the Labryinth | | ^ Extra Limbs | Special/Body | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | two right arms | | ^ Faster-Than-Light Travel | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | N | spaceship | | ^ Flash | Standard/Attack/Sense-Affecting | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | lightning symbol | | ^ Flash Defense | Special/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | Apple symbol | | ^ Flight | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | wings | | ^ Growth | Size/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | sprout | | ^ Hand-to-Hand Attack (HA) | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | No | Y | fist | | ^ Healing | Adjustment | Instant | Target’s DCV | No | Y | firs aid symbol | | ^ Images | Standard/Attack/Sense-Affecting | Constant | Area | Yes/x10m | Y | television | | ^ Invisibility | Standard/Sense-Affecting | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | dotted outline of body | | ^ Killing Attack (HTH) | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Varies | Y | knife on fist | | ^ Killing Attack (Ranged) | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Varies | Y | knife on archery symbol | | ^ Knockback Resistance | Special/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | ball and chain | | ^ Leaping | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | trampoline symbol | | ^ Life Support | Standard | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | oxygen tank | | ^ Luck | Special | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | dice | | ^ Mental Blast | Mental/Attack | Instant | Target’s DMCV | Yes/LOS | Y | OMCV symbol | | ^ Mental Defense | Special/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | DMCV symbol | | ^ Mental Illusions | Mental/Attack | Instant | Target’s DMCV | Yes/LOS | Y | saw lady in half | | ^ Mind Control | Mental/Attack | Instant | Target’s DMCV | Yes/LOS | Y | puppet | | ^ Mind Link | Mental | Persistent | Target’s DMCV | Yes/LOS | N | two brains connected | | ^ Mind Scan | Mental/Sensory | Constant | Target’s DMCV | Yes | Y | brain on radar screen symbol | | ^ Multiform | Standard/Body | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | person and animal silhouettes | | ^ No Hit Locations | Special/Automaton | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | sphere | | ^ Power Defense | Special/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | shield with a plus one | | ^ Reflection | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Self | Y | mirror | | ^ Regeneration | Special | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | plus blood teardrop | | ^ Resistant Protection | Standard/Defense | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | rivetted metal plate | | ^ Running | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | running legs | | ^ Shape Shift | Standard/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | evolution diagram | | ^ Shrinking | Size/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | fly silhouette | | ^ Skills | Special | Constant | Self Only | Self | N | skill symbol | | ^ Stretching | Standard/Body | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | rack | | ^ Summon | Standard | Instant | N/A | No | Y | pentagram | | ^ Swimming | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | swimming symbol | | ^ Takes No STUN | Special/Automaton | Persistent | Self Only | Self | N | stun symbol crossed out | | ^ Telekinesis | Standard/Attack | Constant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | floating swarmi | | ^ Telepathy | Mental | Instant | Target’s DMCV | Yes/LOS | Y | mind meld | | ^ Teleportation | Movement | Instant | Self Only | Self | Y | Star Trek teleport | | ^ Transform | Standard/Attack | Instant | Target’s DCV | Yes/x10m | Y | frog | | ^ Tunneling | Movement | Constant | Self Only | Self | Y | tunnel | |