====== Compendium Classes ====== | Go back to ^ [[start]] | ^ Type ^ Compendium Class ^ Trigger ^' | Journey ^ Abyss Walker | When you walk the abyss and it affects you permanently | | ^ Alienist | When you make a pact with the incomprehensible (and quite possibly non-euclidean) beings that lurk outside of reality | | **Rock Band** ^ Alpine | When you have acquired a horn from an Ibex and fashioned it into an instrument | | **Vestige** ^ Anima Mage | When you greedily bind the Vestige of a powerful entity | | ^ Assassin | When you accept payment to end the life of another | | Standard ^ Awakened Mind | When you discover the latent abilities that lie within your mind | | Standard ^ Bearer | When you embrace the fate of carrying an intelligent weapon | | ^ Beast Hunter | When you a hunt a giant monster and make use of its remains | | ^ Blindfighter | When you are blind but train your other senses to make up for your lack of sight | | Standard ^ Blob | When you are engulfed by a slime, ooze, or pudding, and some of it stays with you | | **Rock Band** ^ Bongó el Monte | When you have learned the complex magical rhythms of the bongo | | Item ^ Cursed Knight | When you become corrupted by the Fang of Night | | Martial Art ^ Darting Hornet | When you follow in the footsteps of Darting Hornet, gaining preparation by spending one week or more incorporating quick hit-and-fade maneuvers into your personal fighting style | | **Monster** ^ Death Knight | If you wantonly burn a true friend to increase your physical might or as part of a treasonous plot and you are a Restless Dead or Hungry Dead | | ^ Demiurge | When you acquire or unseal forbidden power | | Werespider ^ Devotee of the Spider-Mother | When you are a werespider and are granted the favor of the Spider-Mother | | ^ Dilettante | When you feel like you've seen it all, and disregard your own safety just to experience something new | | ^ Doppelganger | When you use the move Doppelganger's Dance to pass yourself off as another person 3 times | | Standard ^ Dragonslayer | When you drink the still-warm heart-blood of a dragon | | Item ^ Drink Deeply | When you have drunk deeply of Malini’s offerings | | ^ Drunken Master | When you go on a three day drunken bender | | ^ Ever-Shifter | When you come to rely on transformitive magic to solve problems | | **Monster** ^ Extortionist | After you have successfully blackmailed someone for more than 100 coins | | ^ Firebrand | When you take a significant personal risk to work against established authorities | | Standard ^ Flux | You touched the mind of god. That cloak of phasing tickled that rift of chaos just right, and in that moment before you rematerialized a slice of the foundation of reality was captured within you. | | ^ Geomancer | When you devote yourself wholly to an environment and draw your power from it | | **Rock Band** ^ Godsinger | When you have been taught the divine tunes of the ukulele by a kahuna | | ^ Godslayer | When you slay a mighty foe by exploiting their weaknesses | | Dragon ^ Great Wyrm | When you are a dragon, and you knowingly sacrifice or allow significant harm to come to something or someone important to you in the name of avarice | | **Monster** ^ Greater Lycanthrope | If you are a Lycanthrope and you successfully use The Moon Gift to transform a comrade, family member or innocent to a Lycanthrope | | Item ^ Hat Master | When you obtain and wear a truly amazing piece of headgear | | **Rock Band** ^ Headbanger | When you have acquired the fabled Six Stringed Axe of Metalocalypse and it considers you strong and worthy | | ^ Heart Eater | When you rip the heart (or equivalent) out of the chest of a creature you've slain and devour it to gain its power | | ^ Immortal | When you meet Death at the Black Gates and defy it right in it’s face | | Item ^ Inked | When you get a tattoo containing magical power inked onto your skin | | ^ Juggernaut | When you push on after taking an impossible amount of pain | | **Vestige** ^ Knight of the Sacred Seal | When you swear an oath to a powerful entity and are bound to it's Vestige | | Standard ^ Landed Gentry | When you are granted a hold by your betters | | **Monster** ^ Lich King | If you wantonly burn a true friend for knowledge, magical power or continued life and you are a Restless Dead or Hungry Dead | | Fae ^ Lord of Arcadia | When you are one of the fae and consistently act in an overly dramatic manner | | **Monster** ^ Lord of Filthy Gluttony | If you are a Hungry Dead (but not a Vampire Thrall) and you feast on a loved one or a comrade | | **Monster** ^ Marauder | After you wantonly destroy a beautiful symbol of civilization | | ^ Monster Tamer | When you capture a strange creature after beating it into submission | | ^ Mystic Theurge | When you are a Wizard or a Cleric, and spend significant time studying the other side of magic | | ^ Professional | When you rise to a position of prominence within your community | | **Rock Band** ^ Rhymer | When you have mastered the art of rythmic rhyming and fast-talking | | ^ Ripple Man | When you are instructed by a warrior from a strange land on how to fight the darkness | | ^ Ronin | When you knowingly and willingly abandon someone or something important to you to keep yourself from being tied down | | **Vestige** ^ Scion of the Star Emperor | When you bind the Vestige of the Star Emperor | | **Vestige** ^ Shadow Apostate | When you bind the Vestige of the Shadow of He that Was | | ^ Skinwalker | When you wear the skin of an animal as an intimidation tactic in a fight | | **Monster** ^ Skirmisher | If your fellow players ask where your character is or complain that you have gone off again three times | | ^ Slayer | Murder at your every footstep. Blood’s cheap, it’s everywhere. | | Martial Art ^ Stalwart Armadillo | When you follow in the footsteps of Stalwart Armadillo, gaining preparation by spending one week or more incorporating maneuvers intended to neutralize an enemy’s blows into your personal fighting style | | Item ^ Stone-Masked Vampire | When you don the stone mask and paint it with the blood of those you hate | | Martial Art ^ Swashbuckler | When you successfully save the day with style and panache | | **Monster** ^ The Chief | After you kill the leader of a monstrous community in single combat and swear to replace them | | Martial Art ^ Thundering Pachyderm | When you follow in the footsteps of Thundering Pachyderm, gaining preparation by spending one week or more incorporating bold, earthshaking strikes into your personal fighting style, | | Automaton ^ Tinkerer | When you are an automaton and you spend time attempting to upgrade yourself | | ^ Vampire | When you exchange blood with a vampire, or perform a dark ritual transform yourself into one. | | **Monster** ^ Vampire Lord | If you are a Vampire Thrall and you help destroy a powerful vampire, | | ^ Wardancer | When you have been tutored in the secrets of the wardancer | | **Vestige** ^ Witch Slayer | When you slay one who's soul has been bound to another | | Standard ^ WraithLander | When you return from the wraith lands | **Bold** = part of a hack to basic DW