====== The Witness====== | [[start|Back to Companions]] | ===== Background =====
Tags Moves Gear
Get into Trouble: You have a knack for getting yourself into interesting and dangerous situations. When you use sneaking or guile to learn about something or someone, tell the the MC how you get into a position to do so, then roll +Clever.
On a 10+, You are well hidden. Take +1 forward when maintain the element of surprise.
On a 7-9, You are hidden, but you have somehow alerted the danger to your presence. If appropriate, it is actively searching for you.
On a miss, you wind up in a Dire Situation, and the MC will have the danger take appropriate action.
You get all the following:
  • The Sonic Screwdriver (see below) 
  • Multiple outfits appropriate to your look.
Vortex Tags The Sonic Screwdriver (+vortex +valuable)
The Doctor’s signature tool. It has had many styles over the years, but it always takes the form of a tube or rod of metal with buttons and glowing crystals attached to it in various configurations.
When you use the sonic, roll +Vortex.
On a 10+, it works without any problems.
On a 7-9, it works with some strings attached; someone overhears it, something breaks, or something unexpected happens.
It can be used in the following ways:
  • As a scanner, similar to the Agent’s Vortex Manipulator or the Construct’s transceiver. 
  • As a lockpick, opening locks of nearly any complexity, given enough time. 
  • As a remote control, turning machines and other devices on or off. 

You cannot lose the sonic screwdriver. If it is ever mislaid or destroyed, the TARDIS will make you a new one after a short period of time.

A Little Help: When you learn something new from another Companion explaining what’s happening , mark Experience. If this results in an advance, both of you take +1 History with each other.
Emotional Keys + another Witness move
Pick two: Curiosity, Trust, Fear. You also get the trappings and stuff appropriate to your lifestyle.
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements When you have a moment of closeness or intimacy with another Companion, take +1 History with them.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth You may only choose one.
  • ________ was there for me on the day she died. (+1) 

The Doctor died on your first day as a Companion. You don’t know many people yet.
When another Companion suggests a bond with you, politely but firmly tell them, “I’m sorry, it was my first day. You must be thinking of someone else.“

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-



Choose your name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.


Emma, Sofia, Eden, Fatima, Yeon, JIng, Maeva, Anna, Maria, Sara.

Mohammed, Jayden, Noah, Wei, George, Marc, Andrei, Jun, Andrei, Hiro.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Flashy outfits, retro duds, business wear, timeless fashion, second hand clothes, jeans & hoodie.

Broad face, nondescript face, lean face, round face, weary face.

Bright eyes, eager eyes, deep eyes, quick eyes, soft eyes.

Stocky body, strong body, soft body, thick body, petite body,


Choose one set.


You get all the basic moves, plus Get into Trouble and A Little Help.

Choose one additional Witness move.

The Day She Died

There are a thousand theories about how the Doctor died, whispered and debated on millions of worlds. But only you know for sure, because you were there.

Answer these three questions about that day. You may ask for input, but the answers are ultimately up to you.


You may only choose one.

The Doctor died on your first day as a Companion. You don’t know many people yet.

When another Companion suggests a bond with you, politely but firmly tell them, “I’m sorry, it was my first day. You must be thinking of someone else.“

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Curiosity, Trust, Fear. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”

Embracing Your Potential

The Doctor asked you to be her Companion for a reason. Despite having no experience, she saw something in you. She knew you could be bloody marvellous. Once you have taken your fifth advance, you can prove her right by choosing another playbook. This choice represents what you’ve learned in your adventures, so choose wisely.

You may take +1 (+3) to any stat. Pay attention to the moves in the playbook you choose — you may want to take this bonus in a stat it uses frequently, or choose another playbook if your stats don’t mesh well with it.

If you’ve taken the moves Spooky or Prodigy, you may take them with you, but you must leave all other Witness moves behind.