====== The Construct====== | [[start|Back to Companions]] | ===== Background ===== You were luckier than the rest of the Doctor’s companions. When he first brought you online, you both knew your creator and that he cared for you. What biological being can say the same? As your consciousness developed, the time you spent with him expanded your knowledge and computational ability more than any other path. When he died, you were devastated. The others lost a friend, a confidante, a role model. You lost the only family you had ever known.
Tags Moves Gear
+ any Construct Move
  • Clothing suitable to your look, if applicable.
  • An energy transceiver (+implanted). It is highly sensitive to all forms of energy, including exotic particles. When relevant, take +1 on Reading a Dire Situation. 
  • Integrated protection (+armour). Also suitable to your look. This can mean it’s invisible to the naked eye. You may use it to reroll once when Tempting Fate. Describe how it saves your life when you do so. This destroys it, but it regenerates at the beginning of the next session. A Whiz can also repair it if they spend 2-scrap. A weapon created like a full hit on the Whiz move Aggressive Improvisation. It’s not in danger of falling apart, and does not cost scrap. This weapon may have +implanted for free.
Vortex Tags + another Construct Move
Emotional Keys If you are +androgyne — you get the stuff and trappings appropriate to a middle class lifestyle. Otherwise, you live in squalor. It’s hard for an inhuman robot to get on the dole.
Pick two: Nobility, Optimism, Guilt.
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements Sometimes biological beings fall for you. When you can manage a moment of intimacy, their History with you resets, and you mark experience. It’s usually a bizarre experience for them, and an enlightening one for you.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth Choose one or more. Best to choose many. 
  • ____________ once repaired my logic core, leaving an impression of their personality. (+2) 
  • ____________ was there when I first came online. Like the Doctor, they are my parent. (+3) 
  • ____________ always treated me like an equal instead of a thing. (+1) 
  • ____________ reminds me of the Doctor. I love them for this. (+1) 
  • The Doctor’s last words to me were “Keep an eye on ____________.” (+1)

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-



Choose your name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.


Gort, Rur, Giskard, Bors, Ash. Coppelia, Olympia, Zhora, Eve, Alsatia.

Mentat, Comox, Hydral, Photius, Scorlin.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Biped, quadriped, rolling, hover, insectoid, gestalt.

Nondescript clothing, simple clothing, tattered clothing, plated armour, no discernible clothing.

Pleasant face, attractive face, blank face, non symmetrical face, armoured mask, no face.

Soft eyes, staring eyes, dead eyes, sensor strip, enhanced scanners, no visible eyes.

Strong body, graceful body, squat chassis, abstract body, swarm body.


Choose one set. You get the associated tags.

Construct Tags

+Androgyne: You are programmed to perfectly emulate a human being. Only sensing gear with +vortex can tell you’re a construct. Also, when you Convince with Emotions, take +1 now.

+Aware: You possess an affinity for the Vortex. You begin the game with the Vortex Move of your choice.

+Eternal: You automatically get a full hit (10+) when you make The Death Move.

+Flexible: You start the game with one additional move from any other playbook.

+Vortex: As with things’ tags. You are constructed from Gallifreyan technology.


You get all the basic moves, plus choose two Construct moves.


Choose one or more. Best to choose many.

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Nobility, Optimism, Guilt. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”