====== The Commander====== | [[start|Back to Companions]] | ===== Background ===== Duty has always defined your life. To those under your command, to your country. When you met the Doctor, you added duty to your species and your world to that list. Now that he’s gone, you have to face the dangers of the Universe without his wisdom or his derring-do. Deep down, you know his generosity and empathy rubbed off on you, but will they be enough?
Tags Moves Gear

Into the BreachWhen you are with your Team and give them orders in a Dire Situation, take +1 forward. 

On a 10+, they survive; choose one Team member and increase their esteem by one. 

On a 7–9, one Team member of your choice is grievously wounded; reduce their Fate by one and mark experience. 

On a miss, in addition to whatever hard move the MC makes, you send one or more of them to their deaths. The MC decides who.

  • Comms gear (for communicating with your Team) 
  • Your service weapon (close near loud) Uniform or armor appropriate to your civilization
Vortex Tags
+ another Commander Move
Emotional Keys
Pick two: Loyalty, Nobility, Hubris. You have the stuff and trappings appropriate to a middle- to upper-class lifestyle, depending on your rank.
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements Mark experience whenever you or your orders come between a Team member — including you — and their romantic entanglement.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
  • I am considering offering ____________ membership on the Team. (+1) 
  • I would go through hell or high water to assure the safety of ____________. (+3) 
  • ____________ saved my team when I couldn’t. (+2) 
  • If ____________ were under my command, I would have brought them up on charges. (+1) 
  • I will never understand ____________, and they will never understand me. (+1)

Your Team

Name Fate Esteem
(_) (_) (_)
(_) (_) (_)
(_) (_) (_)
(_) (_) (_)
(_) (_) (_)

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-



Choose your rank, name, look, stats, moves, team, bonds, and keys.


Colonel, Brigadier, General. Senator, Lady/Lord, Prime Minister.

Torchwood Actual.

Force Captain, Foremost, Storm Leader, Hive Control, Lady/Lord-General.


Fitzpatrick, Patel, Donoghue, Rodriguez, Taylor, Murphy, Lynch, Mbenge.

Chan, O’Connor, Khan, Quinn, Bibi, Duffy, Ali, Mahmood, Campbell.

Thal, Voord, Koquilliax, Harbi, Xero, Dhravin, Rill, Makra.

Uraxi, Pelad, Solona, Drashe, Wirri, Ogri, Jagar-Ki, Sylar.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Crisp uniform, rumpled uniform, worn uniform, Robes of office, power suit, Seville Row.

Lined face, cold face, shrewd face, baby face, scarred face.

Distant eyes, sharp eyes, calculating eyes, darting eyes, staring eyes.

Wiry body, soft body, tough body, strange body, exotic body.


Choose one set. You get the associated Area of Specialty (AoS) tags.


You get all the basic moves, plus Into the Breach. Choose one additional Commander move.


Create your Team. The back panel of the playbook tells you how. Fill in the details in the block under your moves.


Choose one or more. Best to choose many.

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Loyalty, Nobility, Hubris. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”


You start with a Team size of three. This maximum size can be increased with advances. Pick a name for each Team member from the list:


Fitzpatrick, Patel, Donoghue, Rodriguez, Taylor, Murphy, Lynch, Mbenge.

Chan, O’Connor, Khan, Quinn, Bibi, Duffy, Ali, Mahmood, Campbell.

Thal, Voord, Koquilliax, Harbi, Xero, Dhravin, Rill, Makra.

Uraxi, Pelad, Solona, Drashe, Wirri, Ogri, Jagar-Ki, Sylar.


Divide 3-esteem among your Team members as you see fit; each Team member starts with 0-esteem plus whatever you add . When you advance, raise the esteem of the Team member of your choice by one. Some moves allow you to advance esteem as well.

When a Team member reaches 1-esteem, choose an AoS (Area of Specialty) tag for them from the list below. Write the tag next to their name. When they are not with you, that team member may make the move associated with their AoS tag in your stead or at your command. When they make this move, roll +esteem. If your AoS matches theirs, take +1 forward (max +3).

Any consequences from that move apply to them instead of you. Unless you are directly involved, you may not mark experience from their actions.

Each Team member has 3-Fate, which refreshes at the beginning of each episode. If their fate reaches 0, they die. You can recruit a replacement, but your team cannot be larger than its maximum size. New recruits are hard to find. They have to have the commitment, sense of duty, and skills to be on your Team. Naturally, they have to be willing to join; coercion isn’t cricket, and tends to lead to nasty blowback.

Your team starts with similar gear to yours: comms gear, a service weapon and uniform/armour appropriate to your civilization.