====== The Agent ====== | [[start|Back to Companions]] | ===== Background ===== The Time Agency. Its name alone commands attention and respect across thousands of years and dozens of galaxies. It selected the best and brightest from the apex of Humanity’s development. They acted alone in the most hostile of environments, surviving on their charisma, luck, and daring. Naturally, they chose you for duty. The Doctor taught you that the Corps doesn’t know everything, and shouldn’t be obeyed without question. But at heart you are still a Time Agent, even if you find your own way to adhere to the spirit of your mission. Plus, running around with him was fun!

Tags Moves Gear
Not My First Time at the Dance: You’re from the future, and have direct experience with technologies from all over spacetime. When presented with a device from a period other than your place of birth or modern Britain, substitute your Cool for Vortex when Using Unfamiliar Technology. Additionally, if you hit on that move, you gain insight into who made the device, and what other applications it may have.
  • Damaged Vortex Manipulator (see below)
  • Clothing appropriate to your look with integrated +armour 
  • Small holdout weapon (+stun +near +hi-tech), you describe the details
Vortex Tags Choose 2 weapons from the following:
  • Modern sub-machine gun (+close +area +loud)
  • Modern assault rifle (+close +loud +autofire) 
  • One of the Exotic Weapons as described in the Warrior-Poet playbook
+ another Agent move Damaged Vortex Manipulator (+hi-tech +valuable)
This device resembles a large, heavy wristwatch on a stout leather strap. The technology incorporated into it is the pride and joy of the Time Agency. Once, it could open the Vortex and fling you across time and space. Most of its higher functions burned out long ago, but it still has a few tricks left.
When Reading a Dire Situation, it allows you to access information normally hidden to your naked senses. Magnetic fields, tachyon bursts, perception filters — anything that involves exotic energies or technologies can be detected by this baby. It also senses dangerous environmental conditions, such as radiation, poison atmospheres or gasses, weapons fire, etc.
It also has sensors that can detect subtle shifts in the physiology of living things, giving you a +1 forward when you use it while Reading a Person. The Manipulator holds detailed files on alien anatomy, letting you identify the species or species type of any creature you encounter, even if you’ve never heard of it.
The range of its sensors is hundreds of miles. It used to do whole planets, but the damn thing has been wonky for years.
Emotional Keys
Pick two: Loyalty, Guilt, Hate.
You have the trappings and stuff appropriate to the cover story you have set up for yourself. The lifestyle is never higher than middle-class. Best to stay under the radar.
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements When you kiss someone with whom you are Romantically Entangled, take 2 hold. Spend 1 for 1 to instinctively know where they are. Take +1 ongoing to any move you make trying to save their life while you have hold.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
  • ____________ knows something about me that I wish they didn’t. (+1) 
  • I once left ____________ to die. (+3) 
  • Before I was a companion, I tried to recruit ____________ to the Agency. (+1) 
  • ____________ and I once fought our way out of impossible odds. (+2) 
  • Of all the people I’ve seduced, I only ever truly loved ____________. (+1)

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-



Choose your rank, name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.


Lieutenant, Major, Captain, Colonel, Commander, none.


Drake, Bauer, Smiley, Bourne, Steed, Rosenberg, Phelps, Flint, MacLean, Harkness.

Modesty, Mata, Sydney, Vesper, Salt, Nikita, Plame, Marlene, Elektra, Iselin.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Formal wear, vintage military wear, nondescript wear, modern BDUs, high fashion.

Earnest face, average face, striking face, soft face, lovely face.

Inscrutable eyes, weathered eyes, knowing eyes, dark eyes, dead eyes.

Perfect body, wiry body, compact body, soft body, graceful body.


Choose one set.


You get all the basic moves, plus Not My First Time at the Dance. Choose one additional Agent move.


Choose one or more. Best to choose many.

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Loyalty, Guilt, Hate. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”