3/12/2005 2:08:04 AM ======Hand of Odin package====== {{parent page=WsOrders}} //Snurched from keyes_bill// Mage Hunters and Monster Hunters are often seen as cold and humourless warriors, and their opinions are highly sought-after and rarely questioned. As with all holy warriors, a Hunter's code of conduct is strict and absolute. If she dares to deviate from it, she risks losing all of her gods-given special abilities. Hunters seldom stay in any one place for long. They roam their homelands seeking injustices to right and criminals to punish. A Hunter is an implacable foe, one who will track the wicked to the ends of the earth to make sure they receive their just desserts. Even kings fear falling under the unwavering gaze of a Hunter. No evil deed ever escapes their sight, and they are rightly feared and respected for their single-minded devotion to their cause. Hunters are almost always trained by another, more experienced Hunter. There are few temples or monasteries among their high mountain homes that have the capacity to train one of these holy warriors. **Hunter Package Deal** 4 //Combat Expert:// WF: Common Melee, Common Missile 3 //Weapons Master:// +1 CV with One Weapon Group 2 //Weapon Expert:// +1 CV with Favorite Weapon 2 //Religious Training:// KS: The Tribune 11- 2 //Legal Expert:// KS: Law 11- 3 //Hunter:// Tracking 4 //Holy Warrior Privileges:// Perk: Judge 2 //Their Opinion Is Always Respected:// Reputation: Fair & Impartial Judge (among the Uruk people) 11-, +1/+1d6 3 //Balance the Scales:// Luck x1; Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) 15 //Skills (Choose five):// Breakfall, Climbing, Concealment, Conversation, Faith, Language (Fluent with Accent), Navigation, Oratory, Paramedics, Riding, Shadowing, Stealth, Tactics, +1 Perception -20 //Hunter's Code:// Psychological Limitation: Code of Honor (Common, Total) **20 Total Cost of Package** //Option Paths// Hunters gain special abilities that allow them to more effectively bring the guilty to justice. They can force unwilling witnesses to tell the truth, they can track without flaw, and they can go for days without food or sleep if necessary. A spellcasting Hunter may choose spells from three spheres GÇöHealing, War and Wisdom. //Divine Magic Option Path// 13 //Orisons:// VPP (10 Base +3 Control Cost; Change Powers as a 0-phase Action (+1); Gestures (--+), Incantations (--+), Requires a Faith Roll (--+), Limited Range (10 --+), Costs END (--+), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+)" +11 //First Book Spells:// Multipower (20-point Reserve); Gestures (--+), Incantations (--+), OAF (-1), Requires a Faith Roll (--+), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+), plus five Spells +4 //Second Book Spells:// Multipower (30-point Reserve); Gestures (--+), Incantations (--+), OAF (-1), Requires a Faith Roll (--+), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+), plus three Spells +5 //Third Book Spells:// Multipower (40-point Reserve); Gestures (--+), Incantations (--+), OAF (-1), Requires a Faith Roll (--+), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+), plus three Spells //Defender of the Faith Options// 13 //Smite Evil:// Find Weakness 11- with All Melee Weapons (20 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) +7 //Smite Evil:// Find Weakness 13- with All Melee Weapons (30 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) +7 //Smite Evil:// Find Weakness 15- with All Melee Weapons (40 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) 22 //Call Mount:// Animal Follower of 75 Points +75 Disadvantages (15 Active Points) plus Mind Link, Animal class of minds, with Mount, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond (20 Active Points); Feedback STUN and BODY (-2) //Implacable Foe Options// 1 //Relentless:// Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 9 //Eyes of Truth:// Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group) (22 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; --+); Costs Endurance (--+), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) 18 //Flawless Hunter:// Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), Tracking (45 Active Points); Retrocognition Only (-1), Requires A Tracking Roll (--+) 22 //Detect Danger:// Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 11- //Truthfinder Options// 8 //Do Not Lie To Me:// Mind Control 6d6 (30 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Set Effect: Do Not Lie (-1/2), Requires A PRE Roll (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) +3 //Do Not Lie To Me:// Mind Control 8d6 (40 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Set Effect: Do Not Lie (-1/2), Requires A PRE Roll (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4 +3 //Do Not Lie To Me:// Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points); Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Set Effect: Do Not Lie (-1/2), Requires A PRE Roll (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Incantations (-1/ 6 //Augury:// Clairsentience (Sight Group), Precognition (40 Active Points); Precognition Only (-1), Time Modifiers (--+), Vague and Unclear (--+), Gestures (--+), Incantations (--+), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout (0 DCV; -1), Extra Time (5 Minutes; -2), Only When Serving Tribune's Purposes (--+) ---- CategoryWesternshores ;