======The Ravenar Sagas: Session 1====== =====Things that happened===== Your jarl, Bodvar dragged you away from your first raid. He sends you off with Magnor (Michael) who had been training the youngen's in how to viking to find his missing son, Svengar (who is also Magnor's nephew) - who not only hadn't returned from his regular raids of the Faeros Islands, had apparently never been to the islands according to men tha Bodvar had sent to track him down. Tracking down Svengar's best friend who had been left behind as his wife was days away from giving birth to their first child, you found out he had been secretly seeing a woman in a nearby village (Falkstad) - their jarl's daughter, Wanda. Apparently he had reasons not to let his father know that he was seeing Ketil's daughter. Travelling to Falkstad, the skald (Askell - Andrew) wanders into the village by himself to talk to the jarl - he discovers a dozen longships gearing up for war as Ketil believes Svengar has kidnapped his daughter. Ketil had forbidden Svengar to see Wanda, but then Svengar proposed - to put him off, Ketil gave him the challenge of returning with 500 silver in the skin of a Wildman. Ketil had seen a pelt once in an Inuit village in Greenland. Ketil gets an oath from Askell that he will retrieve Wanda within a week - or Falkstad will go to war with Dagvell. You travelled to Greenland, did some trading with the natives for ivory and Askell went off with the shaman who knew how to find the Wildmen, to do a ritual. The shaman invoked the Black Ice Bear who taught Askell how to open the way to the Island That Is and Is Not There - where the Wildmen dwell and where Svengar had gone to get a pelt. This spell was taught for a price. Travelling out to the open sea, out of sight of any land, Askell put forth his hand and chanted, then directed Eske to pilot the ship in a particular direction. You ended up in rough seas, at twilight, with a black island ahead of you. Navigating the rocks, you rescued a slightly derranged Svengar from where he had been hiding. He has a Wildman pelt. The rest of his crew, including Wanda, where captured and his boat burned. The opening of the way back to the normal world only lasts 24 hours, but despite that you decided to rescue Wanda as well. Gizur (Marissa) stays on the ship to guard it (and Svengar who suffers debilitating panic attacks if he even attempts to re-enter the island). Coming across the cavern entrance in a canyon, you were attacked by 6 Wildmen on foot while four stayed need the entrance and hurled rocks. Finn (Jason) was heavily injured. Wildmen look like huge shaggy two legged dogs that do not wear clothing or use weapons. They are fearless and never retreat. =====Updates to Characters===== From player input and circumstances in the first session * **Finn **(17) - The designer and builder of the Ravenar, armed with an axe and a bow. * Shield: Blue + Black * Health: Reduced to 5HP * Family: Hrothgar (father), Isundren (mother) * Friends: Erik Njorl * **Hoskuld **(17) - A large, powerful warrior armed with a great axe and famous for his war horn. * Family: Flossi (father), Frithu (mother), Sven (brother), Tharkil (brother) * Equipment: Sea chest, Toiletries of walrus ivory comb, bronze tweezers, bronze ear spoon, small bronze mirror, Blink of Thor's hamer, Pouch with 12 copper coins * **Askell **(20) - A Norse minstrel (Skald) armed with an GǣenchantedGǥ ancient Celtic sword. * Shield: Green + Blue * Motto: +� dau+�a er sk+�ldskapr (Poetry is in Death) * Health: Reduced to 62 SAN, 5MP * Spells: Open the Way (200yd, 8MP, d3 SAN) * Family: Mord(father), Mathilde (mother) * **Eske **(16) - The pilot and navigator of the Ravenar, who does battle with a spear and bow. * Shield: Red * Health: Reduced to 9HP * Family: Lars (father), Gerda (mother), EOle, Hakkon (brothers), Arwetha (sister), Henrin, Sven (uncles) * Equipment: Sun compass, polunis * **Gizur **(20) - A highly skilled swordsman who is also a skilled healer. * Shield: Red + Green * **Magnor **(32) - A grizzled one-eyed veteran raider who's a decade older than the other men * Shield: Dark Green * Health: Reduced to 13HP * Family: Parents, younger sister, brother in different village and a wife