=====Guest Rooms===== >>Posted by: Jedric Jul 13 2005, 05:05 PM<< From the courtyard JGÇÖlef leads on through a large arched doorway into a large dimly lit room. This is what acts as this placeGÇÖs Great Hall, a sparsely furnished rectangle, the walls are covered in banners the largest depicts a rampant black bear on a yellow field, beside this is a smaller banner which depicts a red shield and sword on a pale blue field. The hall is strewn with straw and servants scurry around apparently to little effect. At one end of the hall is a great fireplace on either side of which are doorways, smaller versions of the one through which the party entered. A number of soldiers lounge on benches near trestle tables. They eye the party suspiciously, but surreptitiously in the presence of Lord JGÇÖlef. Taking the left hand doorway JGÇÖlef leads on into a short passageway and up a spiral stair. The stonework is quite crude. The stairway itself shows signs of great age, each step is worn in the middle by the step of the feet of many centuries. At the next landing JGÇÖlef leads on into a more brightly lit corridor with better laid stonework, the walls decorated sporadically with tapestries, some of which are of fine quality. The corridors they are led through are maze-like and those of the party soon lose their bearings. After a time the group passes a huge iron doorway with a pair of guards stationed one to each side. Turning a final corner JGÇÖlef leads on to a large iron bound wooden door. >>Posted by: theseus Jul 14 2005, 11:11 AM<< GÇ£This is the room for her priestess and the attendants.GÇ¥ Lord JGÇÖlef says, opening the door. He indicates the two doors to the left and right. GÇ£And these two rooms are for Lords GGÇÖdyon and RGÇÖhayn. >>Posted by: theseus Jul 14 2005, 11:12 AM<< In his guest room, and still silently attempting to mouth G'dyon" in amusement, Gideon finds his box in a corner and sits down to play with it." >>Posted by: theseus Jul 20 2005, 04:50 PM<< In his guest room, and still silently attempting to mouth G'dyon" in amusement, Gideon finds his box in a corner and sits down to play with it." There appears to be gouges left by a sharp implement on the box, almost as if someone tried to cut their way into it. Gideon senses, however, that the attempt failed. Even as he watches, the gouges lessen and disappear. >>Posted by: theseus Jul 26 2005, 12:25 PM<< Gideon, intent on his box, does not notice his door opening silently. A tall black demon stands on the other side. It stoops, the short horns on top of its head growing to greater length, and curving inward, almost scraping the ceiling. It is wrapped in a full-length black coat. It extends long white claws from its black fingers. Gideon looks up too late as the demon charges him, raking him hard across the face with its claws, knocking him to the ground. >>Posted by: Curufea Aug 2 2005, 09:22 AM<< Argh! Gideon yells in shock while falling back on his bed. Instinctively he brings his knees up to ward off the weight of the creature. >>Posted by: theseus Aug 3 2005, 05:10 PM<< Blood drips down GideonGÇÖs stinging cheek from the claw marks left by the demon. The demon lowers its head like a bull, pointing all four of its horns towards Gideon, and charges. >>Posted by: Curufea Aug 4 2005, 11:32 AM<< Rolling to the side he kicks out sharply at the beast's head shoving it into the wall. >>Posted by: theseus Aug 4 2005, 04:45 PM<< The demon hits the wall with a crash, creating an indentation in the stone matching the contours of its head. The demon lashes out with a fist towards Gideon, who manages to dodge out of the way again as the creature pounds its fist into the stone wall. The demon springs back, launching into another charge at Gideon. >>Posted by: doychi Aug 4 2005, 04:54 PM<< Seeing only one of the demons, and knowing that Reyn is capable of looking after himself, the dark grey, almost black, wolfdog races towards them, turning at the last second into the room. The speed with which the wolfdog moves, it's obvious that he is worried about something. As he turns through the door, he see the demon start its charge at Gideon. A deep rumble erupts from the form that fills the doorway, almost as if it's focusing itself, and charges at the demon. >>Posted by: theseus Aug 5 2005, 05:49 PM<< The demon spins around quickly at TuGÇÖTakGÇÖs entrance, not steeled for the sudden onrush of fur and fangs. The demonGÇÖs footing slips in mid spin, and demon crashes hard into the floor with Tu'Tak on top of him. The demon claws at TuGÇÖTak with its claws, finally connecting, gouging a hole in TuGÇÖTakGÇÖs side. >>Posted by: doychi Aug 5 2005, 11:59 PM<< As the demon attempts to remove the oversized wolfdog from itself, the wolfdog drives for its throat attempting to finish this as soon as possible. >>Posted by: Curufea Aug 9 2005, 09:27 AM<< The dropped box that was so surprisingly effective for Gideon in his previous encounter with these monsters is snatched off the floor. Darting left and right, Gideon seeks an opportunity to plunge into the writhing melee. He sees an opening and leaps forward, hand thrusting forth the box, jamming it hard into the side of the beast. >>Posted by: theseus Aug 10 2005, 01:58 PM<< TuGÇÖTakGÇÖs teeth scrabble at the demonGÇÖs throat, but find no purchase. Its skin seems impenetrable. As the box touches the demonGÇÖs, its skin starts to smoke and smoulder. The demon lets out a guttural scream of pain, thrashing on the floor, focusing now on swiping at Gideon, and throwing off Tu'Tak. Tu'Tak stays resolutely near the demon's throat. The demon's thrashes out with elongating arms. Its claws catches Gideon on the tendon, slicing it open with a fan of blood. Gideon's leg collapses, and he crashes to the ground. A patch of sinister darkness starts spreading underneath the demon, bringing a chill to the room. >>Posted by: doychi Aug 12 2005, 10:11 AM<< Seeing Gideon collapsed, almost defenceless and on the floor, Tu'Tak leaps from chest of the demon, over Gideon, and lands comfortably behind him. Turning Tu'Tak catches Gideon's collar in his jaws and backs cautiously out towards the door, dragging Gideon. >>Posted by: theseus Aug 16 2005, 11:55 AM<< The demon makes one last grab at Gideon with extended hand and claws. It just misses, raking empty air. The demon sinks into the blackness, quickly disappearing from sight. The blackness contracts on the floor, and also vanishes. The bare wooden floor remains intact, as if the demon had never been there. >>Posted by: doychi Aug 16 2005, 01:34 PM<< With Gideon apparently safe Tu'Tak sits with an obviously self satisfied look across his wolfdog face and watches Gideon. >>Posted by: Curufea Aug 16 2005, 04:25 PM<< Gasping in pain, Gideon clutches at his leg, trying to compress the flow of blood. He smiles and grimaces at Tu'Tak as he rips the rags that were the lower leg portion of his pants off, and ties them as a crude bandage. His hands barely shake. Is it gone? Or will it be somewhere near by, do you think?, he asks Tu'Tak." >>Posted by: doychi Aug 17 2005, 02:14 PM<< Tu'Tak cocks his head to one side, with that curious grin that dogs get, and barks once. Tu'Tak then rises and wanders to the door, and barks a couple of times, trying to draw the attention of the others to Gideon and his injury. As he wanders over to the door he slowly shrinks to the large size of dog. =====Conference===== [[TranscriptGideon8]]