======Cyber Wedding v1====== {{parent page=Wedding}} " Creative"
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Characters" ==Choosing Characters== Each player chooses three characters to include in their group of wedding participants. This group moves as one and is represented with a single counter. The Bride and the Groom must be in the game - other character types are optional. - Roll to see who chooses their characters first. - Each player takes on character in turn until all players have 3 - 2 active and 1 passive. ==Card Auction== - Each player receives 10 Victory Points with which to bid on their starting cards. - Remove all the **It's gold!** (#6), **Wait, I've got some nail varnish...** (#8), **The keys are still in it!** (#46) and the **Hacking** (#23) card and shuffle them together face down. - The winner of die roll for choosing characters starts the auction and turns one card face up. The player to their left starts the bidding. - Players bid Victory Points to buy a card, some cards are move valuable than other:- - **It's gold!** (#6) is a good mid game card as it works against Mark 3&4 Cybermen. It could potentially earn 2 VP - **Wait, I've got some nail varnish...** (#8) is a good starting game card as it works against Mark 1&2 Cybermen. It could potentially earn 2 VP - **The keys are still in it!** (#46) is a good mid to end game card. It could potentially earn 5 or more VP - **Hacking** (#23) is a good end game card and will defeat all Mark 5 Cybermen. It could potentially earn 20 VP. - Only the player that wins the bid pays the victory points. - A player may not bid on any cards if they have 3 cards. - The winner of the bid reveals the next card to be bid on. - The auction continues until all players run out of Victory Points, or everyone decides to stop bidding on cards. - Any cards not won are shuffled into the deck. The deck is then used to deal cards to players who have less than 3 cards until their hand total is 3. ==Board and Counter setup== - Each player receives 3 Escape tokens and 3 Fatigue tokens. - Each player places a marker on the Victory Point track to denote their starting victory points. - Place the map tiles out in order face down. Do not look at the tile faces when placing them, as orientation for a tile is important - it determines how many Cybermen teleport in. - The player with the Groom character turns over the starting tiles and places a Cyberconversion unit in one corner and two Mark I Cybermen (without special abilities) next to it, facing away from the unit. Starting with this player, each person places their counter on an empty space on the tiles. * The starting tiles are Cricket Pitch 4 (C4) and Cricket Pitch 2 (B4) - The player with the Bride character goes first. Then play proceeds clockwise. ====Turn Sequence==== During a round, each player has a complete turn in which they perform all of the following phases.

Map tile facedown
" - **Tile Reveal Phase** * Turn over any tile that is orthogonally adjacent to a current face up tile. * How many rotations are necessary to align the tile with the existing map determines how may Cybermen teleport onto that tile:- * No rotations: 2 Cybermen * One rotation: 3 Cybermen * Two rotations: 4 Cybermen * Cybermen may be placed anywhere on the tile. * Any type of Cyberman of the current Technology level for Cybermen other than a Cyberleader may be placed if there are counters available. * If you run out of Cybermen, they automatically upgrade. Further Cyberman placed will be of the next Technology level. See [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/wikka.php?wakka=WeddingCybermen#8 Upgrades]] * Replace the Technology marker with the next higher one. * If the Cybermen are already at Mark 5, no more Cybermen are placed until spare Mark 5 become available (ie when destroyed by players). * Every map tile revealed after the first tile also contains 2 Fatigue tokens. If the tile contains a building (or part of one), place 1 Escape token in the building. * The Fatigue and Escape token are placed by the player who is furthest away from the tile. - **Attacked Phase** * Combat any Cybermen on your current space. - **Redraw Phase** * Draw back up to three cards if you have less than three in your hand. - **Movement Phase** * Your minimum movement is equal to your number of Escape tokens. * Roll a die, if the die roll exceeds this number, you may move that amount instead. * You do not have to move the entire amount. * You may not move diagonally * Any Cybermen encountered during movement must be combated before proceeding with movement. * If you move into a space with a token in it, you may take the token. * You may move into a space containing one other character counter. * Terrain features restrict movement. - **Cyberman Phase** * The minimum amount of Cybermen moved is equal to the number of Human players -1. * Roll a die, if the die roll exceeds this number, you must move that amount of Cybermen instead. * Any Cyberlieutenants are moved first. * If there is a Cyberleader, they determine which Cybermen are moved and where from the remainder. * Cybermen may not move diagonally. * Terrain features restrict movement. * Each space may only have one Cyberman in it. * Cybermen cannot move through a square that already contains a Cyberman. * Cybermen may occupy spaces with a token, but cannot use or effect tokens. * Humans being carried by a Cyberman may be freed before they reach the conversion unit. See [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/wikka.php?wakka=Wedding#9 Freeing Captives]] Below. - **Cyberman Special Abilities Phase** * The minimum amount of Cybermen that use their abilities is equal to the number of Human players -1. * Roll a die, if the die roll exceeds this number, you may activate that amount of Cybermen instead. * Only Cybermen counters marked with Energy Beam", "Gun" or "Mind Control", and the Cyberleader have special abilities and may be used." * Cybermen already in a square with humans will not use their special abilities. * The player whose turn it is may choose to use less than the die roll. * Cyberlieutenants always use their abilities first. * If there is a Cyberleader, they determine which of the remaining Cybermen use their special abilities. - **End Phase** * You may discard a card from your hand. * You may not have more than 3 cards in your hand. Discard all excess cards. **Note:** Cards may be played at any time. You may only play one card in the round (from the beginning of your turn to the beginning of your next turn). ====Combat====

Fatigue Token
" Any time your character is in the same space as a Cyberman, you must combat it. * Combat is resolved by rolling a die. If you roll a 4-6, you win and dodge the Cyberman. The Cyberman stays where it is, and you may continue your movement past it. * If you rolled less than 4, you must either expend an Escape token to automatically dodge the Cyberman, or expend Fatigue tokens to raise the roll to 4 (each Fatigue Token counts as +1). * Combat continues until you win or you run out of tokens. You may never voluntarily leave combat. * When you run out of tokens, one of your group is captured. See [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/wikka.php?wakka=WeddingCybermen#2 Capture]] in the Cybermen Rules. ====Freeing Captives====

Escape Token
" Any players may expend Escape tokens to free a human from capture. This may be negotiated with other players for future favours. Any deals made must be honoured. * The number of Escape tokens that must be spent to free a captive is equal to the number of Human players in the game. Escape tokens may not be spent above this number to free a captive. * Remove the character figure from the Cyberman counter. * The character returns to their initial group immediately. * If the character was the last member of the group, it moves to the nearest square of the player's choice that is adjacent to the Cyberman that captured the character. * If all squares are occupied, then the next nearest square, and so on. Freeing a captive is worth 2 Victory Points to every player that spends one or more Escape token(s) to free them. ====Cybermen Rules==== [[WeddingCybermen|Cybermen Rules]] ====Other Rules==== ===Characters=== [[WeddingCharacters|Characters]] ===Cars===

The keys are still in it
" A player that has safely made it to the an square that contains a car, and played the card The keys are still in it" may choose to flee or use their car as a weapon." * Players may also hot wire a car if they do not have **The keys are still in it** card. * If the group contains a Geek, then once per turn they hotwire the car on a roll of 5-6 * If there is no Geek in the group, they need a 6 to hotwire the car. * A fleeing player earns 5 Victory Points (VP) but no longer takes part in the game. Discard all cards and items. **Using the car as a weapon** * Decide on a line either horizontally or vertically on the map through map squares from one road to another road. Every map tile in this column or row must be revealed, you may not drive through unrevealed map tiles. * Place the car counter at one end of this line, facing the direction of travel down the line. * For each square the car enters roll a die. * 1-4 The car continues * 5-6 The car crashes. * The car no longer works, lose one Escape and one Fatigue token (if you have them) - place your character counter on the car. * 7+ The car crashes and rolls. * The car no longer works, lose all Escape and all Fatigue tokens (if you have them) - place your character counter on the car. * The above die roll is modified by terrain - * +1 for a hedge, tree, building or Cyberman in the square. * +2 for the Cyberleader. * +3 for a Cyberconversion Unit. * You may expend Fatigue tokens for a -1 to the die roll per token spent, after rolling the die. * You may expend Escape tokens for a -4 to the die roll per token spent, after rolling the die. * If the car enters a square containing a Player, Cybermen or the Cyberleader, roll a die- "
RollHumansCyberleaderCybermen, Cyberlieutenant or Cyberconversion UnitCybermen carrying humans
1-2DodgeDodgeDodgeDestroyed - remove the counter from the map. The human returns to their original group.
3-4DodgeDodgeDestroyed - remove the counter from the map.Destroyed - remove the counter from the map. The human returns to their original group.
5-6Injured - remove all Escape and Fatigue tokensDestroyed - remove the counter from the map.Destroyed - remove the counter from the map.Destroyed - remove the counter from the map. The human carried is killed
* The player in the car may expend Fatigue tokens to add to the number rolled and they may expend Escape tokens to subtract from the number rolled. If the car successfully reaches the other road without crashing, then on your next turn you may either flee or attack again, choosing a different line on the map. Destroying a Cyberman, Cyberlieutenant or Cyberconversion Unit is worth 1 Victory Point. Destroying a Cyberleader is worth 2 Victory Points. Killing a Human is worth -3 Victory Points. ====How to win====

Victory point track
" The player with the highest Victory Points score wins once the game is finished. ===How to earn Victory Points=== Victory Points are earned for- * For Humans only- * Fleeing in a car = +5 points * For Human and Partially Converted Cybermen- * Destroying a Cyberman, Cyberlieutenant or Cyberconversion Unit = +1 point * Destroying a Cyberleader = +2 points * Helping free a Human captive = +2 points * Killing a Human = -3 points * For the Cyberleader only- * Converting a Human = +1 point ====Finishing the game==== Then game ends when any of the following four conditions are met. * All Cybermen and all Cyberconversion units have been destroyed. * The Cyberleader and all Cyberlieutenants have been destroyed. * All non-fleeing Humans have been converted. * A set time is reached. ====Components==== * [[WeddingPlayaids|View play aids]] * **Print play aids** * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/PlayerSummary.pdf PDF of a Player Summary Card]] - print double sided, contains a short summary of things you need from the rules to get started. 1 double sided page. * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/CharactersandTurnsummary.pdf PDF summary of characters and the turn sequence]] - print double sided, contains a short summary of character types and a more detailed turn sequence. 1 double sided page. * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding//MapSummary.pdf PDF summary of the map]] - print double sided, contains a small version of the full map and optional terrain rules. 1 double sided page. * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/playaid.pdf PDF of the character Play Aid]] print single sided, cut out and put on cards to act as reminders of character abilities. 2 pages. * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/tokens.pdf PDF of the cybermen Play Aid and tokens]] print single sided. Summaries for the cybermen and the various counters. 3 pages. ===Map tiles=== * [[WeddingMap|View map tiles]] * **Print map** * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/maptiles.pdf PDF of the map tiles and backs]] print single sided and glue cardboard in between the front and the back - 30 pages (2 tiles per page) ===Cards=== * [[WeddingCards|View cards]] * **Print cards** * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/cards.pdf PDF of the card fronts]] print single sided, cut out and insert in plastic sleeves with a card backing. 13 pages * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/cardbacks.pdf PDF of the card backs]] print single sided, cut out and insert in plastic sleeves with a card front. 1 page - You'll need to print it out 13 times ===Counters=== * [[WeddingCounter|View counters]] * **Print counters** * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/characters.pdf PDF of the characters]] print single sided, cut out and fold at the dotted line (preferably with some cardboard as stiffening). * [[http://www.curufea.com/Wikka/uploads/Wedding/cybermen.pdf PDF of the Cybermen]] print single sided, cut out and fold at the dotted line, fold the dark green base outwars (preferably with some cardboard as stiffening, also for the base). ---- CategoryGames CategoryWedding