======Distractions====== ^ Go back to [[thiefgame]] ^ A bored guard will be distracted for a number of turns and useless at guard duty during that period when they happen upon something interesting. When a guard passes within Distance of an interesting object (listed below) they must roll their Conscientious dice to not be distracted by it. Some objects are particularly interesting and require more than one Success (a Success is when a die equals or exceeds the target difficulty). * **Distracted** * **FOV:** 45 degrees \\ **Notice:** Special (see **Alerts** below) Every turn after being distracted, the guard rolls Conscientious dice to resume their duties. If they succeed, they are now not in bored status, but are interested again. ===Guards=== __Object__: Bored Guard \\ __Distance__: 6 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 6 \\ __Successes__: 2 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 1 __Object__: Interested Guard \\ __Distance__: 4 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 6 \\ __Successes__: 1 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 1 __Object__: Treasured Item \\ __Distance__: 6 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 3 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 2 __Object__: Garden \\ __Distance__: 4 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 2 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 6 \\ __Successes__: 1 __Object__: Clockwork \\ __Distance__: 4 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 2 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 1 __Object__: Window \\ __Distance__: 4 \\ **Distraction** \\ __Target__: 5 \\ __Successes__: 2 \\ **Resume Duties** \\ __Target__: 4 \\ __Successes__: 2 ===Alerts=== If the guard is alerted through a whistle, or a thief passing within LOS in full light (ie all squares on their base covered with a light source of at least 1 strength), or if a pursuit guard passes within 4 of them, they immediately stop becoming distracted and enter alert status." ===Off Map Distractions=== If the guard is out of sight of all thieves and at least 3 rooms away, they automatically succeed their next roll to resume their duties.