====== The Bursar's Log ====== ===== Mission 1 ===== * Space/research station next to pulsar has stopped responding, we need to go investigate. * Station was experimenting with the tensile fabric of space and time. * Clones not activated. * Warp in 26 hex off course, spend many days finding our way back to the station. * Pulsar hitting ship and station, station is in a stasis field and unaffected. * Stasis field being created by a large space-time anomaly that was created by the station/scientists. * We shot the anomaly, it vanished, the station then got repeatedly hit by blasts from the pulsar. * we boarded using torpedoes and beamed all of the scientists on board our ship. * Mercy win. ===== Mission 2 (Day #1) ===== * Named ship: Spatcktwula * Upgraded ship in port with: * stabilizing fin (1 cargo slot - OOC reduces by 2 each turn instead of 1) * Neu. Dampener (1 cargo slot - so cargo doesn't go boom when destroyed) * 2 bots (1 marine, 1 engineer) * Started in Sol, local prices were: Erg1100, Bio400, Ore600 (BUY 8xBio) * Took job to deliver cargo pod to Capitola (Sec.2Sys5.) * Jump took 21 days, there was a temporal disturbance, all crew arrived stunned but safe at capitola. * Capitola, local prices were: Erg1200, Bio1000, Ore300 (SELL 8xBio) * MONEY * Debt: 55000cr (65000 + 1500 interest = 66500 --> -1500 from profits -10k for mission completion) * Mission Profit 18.5k for group (20k -1500 interest payment on ship) * Resource profits: YD+1200, Mike+800, Sarah+800, David100, Jason+0 ===== Mission 3 (undecided) Day #26 ===== * Job #1: Transport barrel of contraband to New Pacifica (1000cr) * Job #2: Transport barrel of contraband to Sovereignty (in the Rift - 1000cr + border bonuses)