======Access Lift====== [[http://www.xcomufo.com/x1ufopaedia/pics/big/shot0049.png|Access Lift game image]] \\ [[http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Access_Lift|Wiki entry]]\\ **Battlestations Module to use**: [[BattlestationsHyperdrive|Hyperdrive]]\\ **Module Special Rules**: The lift entrance is the battlestation on the module. It takes one action to call the lift while at the battlestation. The lift may hold up to 10 normal characters or 5 Powered Armour sized characters. It takes 6 phases for the lift to reach the surface or the base level.\\ **Module Damage**: This module cannot be broken or slagged.\\ **Maintenance Cost**: $4,000/month\\ **Module Cost**: The cost of an Access Lift is included in the cost of a new base. This cost is variable, depending on the Geoscape location: "
Base LocationLift CostNations / (Area Covered)
Europe$1,000,000UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia (West) (Western and Eastern Europe, Iceland)
North America$800,000USA, Canada (North and Central America)
Siberia$800,000Russia (East) (Siberia, Mongolia)
Australasia$750,000Australia (Oceania)
South East Asia$750,000Japan, China (East) (East and Southeast Asia)
North Africa$650,000Nigeria, Egypt (Northern Africa)
South America$600,000Brazil (South America)
South Africa$550,000South Africa (Southern Africa)
North Atlantic$500,000(Eastern Newfoundland, Southern Greenland)
Central Asia$500,000China (West), India (South and Central Asia, Middle East)