======Static Motion====== Commander (Rank 4) ====Stats==== **Target #**: 9 \\ **Base Hit Points**: 5 \\ **# of Hands**: Infinite \\ **Move**: 4 \\ **Profession**: Marine \\ **Species**: Tentac \\ **Alien Ability**: Resilient. Tentacs may elect to reroll incoming damage inflicted upon them. ---- ===Skills=== ---- **Hit Points**: 12 (Athletics+Base+Rank) \\ **Luck**: 9 (Rank+5) Bonus Luck: 3 \\ **Athletics**: 3 (Carry Capacity: 30+10) \\ **Combat**: 4 (6) \\ **Engineering**: 2 \\ **Piloting**: 1 \\ **Science**: 0 \\ **Experience**: 1095 \\ **Prestige**: 175 \\ **Credits**: 0 ====Equipment==== **Uniform** \\ **Blast Rifle**: [energy] __Mass 8__ Damage 2D6-1. Can be fired twice a phase (with Nimble Special Ability) \\ **Knife**: __Mass 1__ Damage 1D6 \\ **Vibraknife**: [energy] __Mass 4__ Damage 1D6. Ignore armour and alien damage reduction. If EMPed it is -1 to hit and 1d6-1 damage. \\ **Stun Grenade**: [energy] __Mass 2__ Damage stun. Line of sight. Athletics vs 11 or be stunned. 2 Stun counters. 1 removed each Round. All removed if damaged. \\ **Frost Grenade**: [energy] __Mass 2__ \\ **EVA**: [energy] __Mass 5__ Provides life support for 100 rounds. \\ **Shield**: __Mass 10__ +1 to target number. \\ **Mentor Chip**: [energy] __Mass 1__ Adds 20% to all experience points earned. [upgraded] \\ **Skill Chip: Combat**: [energy] __Mass 1__ +2 Combat [upgraded] \\ **Skeletal Enhancement**: [energy] __Mass n/a__ +1 athletics for carry and melee damage purposes only. \\ **Stungone**: [drug] __Mass 1__ Target gets a reroll vs stun effects. Must make an athletics roll vs stun when first administered. \\ 2x**Radzen**: [drug] __Mass 1__ \\ 2x**Innoculex**: [drug] __Mass 1__ \\ 4x**Bandaid**: [drug] __Mass 1__ \\ **Toolkit**: [energy] __Mass 5__ +1 to Engineering when repairing, upgrading a module or reconfiguring the Cannon. //(Stored in Life Support)// \\ **EMP Grenade**: [energy] __Mass 2__ Damage 2D6-1. Line of sight. Breaks energy equipment until after mission. Does not affect modules. //(Stored in Life Support)// ====Special Abilities==== **Brutal**: May reroll one die when causing damage with a personal attack (range or melee) but not with grenades. \\ **Pack Mule**: +10 to carry capacity \\ **Multi-Barrel Expert**: May fire the Cannon in Multi-barrel mode twice as a single action. \\ **Connected**: Every campaign turn you get an additional requisition and may reroll up to one die in any requisition. You also receive double pay for each mission.