======Xaex====== Ensign (Rank 1) {{ http://www.battlestations.info/art/xeloxian.jpg|}} ====Stats==== **Target #**: 8\\ **Base Hit Points**: 4\\ **# of Hands**: 6*\\ **Move**: 2-8*\\ **Profession**: Scientist\\ **Species**: Xeloxian\\ **Alien Ability**: Aggressive. Xeloxians that deal damage with personal weapons add +1 to the total damage dealt. This applies only to point-based direct fire or melee weapons (i.e. not to Needlers, or grenades). ---- ===Skills=== ---- **Hit Points**: 7 (Athletics+Base+Rank)\\ **Luck**: 6 (Rank+5) \\ **Athletics**: 2 (Carry Capacity: 20)\\ **Combat**: 0 **Engineering**: 0 **Piloting**: 0 **Science**: 4 **Experience**: 50 **Prestige**: 50 **Credits**: 650 ====Equipment==== Wristcomp\\ Medkit ====Special Abilities==== **Hyperphysicist**: Science x 2 reroll pool for operating the hyperdrive and when rolling random facing after warp-in