======How Much For Your Planet?====== =====Pre-Campaign===== * **Setup **- Friday 7pm at Peter's place 4/1/2013 * Note: You can find the Play Aids either on Dropbox or on this page: [[BattlestationsPA]] ==== Mission One ==== [[Stasisville]] * **Mustering Out**. The crew of the Canosian ship decide the military life is not for them, and would prefer to be merchants * **How Much For Your Planet?**- Friday 7pm at Peter's place 18/1/2013 ==== Delivery One ==== Valuable (x2) cargo pod ($2,500) from Sol (1.78) to Capitola (2.5). Special rules - Capitola pays double for deliveries, and there are no encounters. $10,000. Navigation Hazard of Temporal Shift (crew arrived stunned at Capitola) * **DATE**: Day 26 (Interest payment and ship maintenance due in 4 days) ==== Delivery Two ==== Contraband (x2 and must be smuggled) Barrel ($500) to Sovereignty (4.9)[Opportunity: Cheap Teleporters] - 18 Parsecs (180 days) - x2 pay (crosses 2 sectors) * **DATE**: Day 30 - $50/day interest due = $1500 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 1 Ore, 1 Bio and 1 Erg used in maintaining the ship * **DATE**: Day 44 - 18 Day journey of 6 Parsecs towards Sovereignty * **Encounter**: Location T8 [[DistressCall|Distress Call]] (GCW 49) - Outcome: Overwhelming Success (+200 XP +200 Prestige +1 ERG +1 ORE +2 BIO +Bonus Luck) * **DATE**: Day 60 - 16 Day journey of 6 Parsecs towards Sovereignty - $50/day interest due = $1500 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 1 Ore, 1 Bio and 1 Erg used in maintaining the ship * **Encounter**: Location Z5 - Tippex [[MindWeb|Mind Control Web]] (HMFYP 83) - Outcome: Overwhelming Success (+200 XP +200 Prestige) * **DATE**: Day 78 - 18 Day journey of 6 Parsecs arriving in Sovereignty - during the journey the ship suffered briefly from Spatial Distortion and arrived with 4 modules broken through stress * **Encounter**: Location AF5 - Sovereignty [[Invasion1|Deja Bug]] (mixture) - Outcome: Success (+150 XP +150 Prestige) * **DATE**: Day 138 - 2 Months for the planet to recover and clean out the bug hive before they were able to process the necessary delivery paperwork. $50/day interest due = $3000 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 2 Ore, 2 Bio and 2 Erg used in maintaining the ship ==== Delivery Three ==== The crew decides to deliver two of the available orders on the Bug ravaged colony world of Sovereignty, after they deal with the [[Leviathan]] (GCW 65): * A Cargo Pod ($2500) of Freepacked Detritus to PyRelTee (3.3-4) (D9) [Opportunity: Random destination wormhole] 28 Parsecs (280 days) - x2 pay (crosses 2 sectors) * Ktkt the Canosian ($1500) a fugitive passenger (x2), also to PyReltee. * Pay for both deliveries: $16500 * **DATE**: Day 142 - arrival back at Sovereignty after dealing with the [[Leviathan]] Bug. * **Encounter**: Location AF5 - Sovereignty [[Leviathan]] (GCW 65) - Outcome: Overwhelming Success (+200 XP +200 Prestige +anti-plasma damage control cargo bay item now available) * **DATE**: Day 144 - mop-up of the devestatated colony World Soverignty. * **Encounter**: Location AF5 - Sovereignty [[Bughunt]] (homebrew) - Outcome: Overwhelming Success (+200 XP +200 Prestige +cargo bay module) * **DATE**: Day 150 - $50/day interest due = $1500 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 1 Ore, 1 Bio and 1 Erg used in maintaining the ship * **DATE**: Day 180 - $50/day interest due = $1500 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 1 Ore, 1 Bio and 1 Erg used in maintaining the ship * **DATE**: Day 181 - Arrival at Loomis. Due to a navigation hazard, crew are tired. Purchase of a Cheap Cannon and an Armoury. Spaceship upgraded to size 7 * **DATE**: Day 210 - $50/day interest due = $1500 (interest is taken out of ship debt). 1 Ore, 1 Bio and 1 Erg used in maintaining the ship * **DATE**: Day 215 - Arrival at L4 - Canos. Due to a navigation hazard, trade had stopped. The planet cannot be orbitted at is being interdicted by the Tentac ship The Enmity. * **Encounter**: Location L4 - Canos [[Showdown]] (BTM 84) ===== Overall campaign progress ===== **[[BattlestationsProgress2|Overall campaign progress]]** * [[Spaceship - The Spatcktwula]] used by the PCs **Crew** ^Name^Class^Player^Logs| |[[BattlestationsDavid|Xaex]]|Xeloxian Scientist|David|[[Xaex's Log]]| |[[BattlestationsJason|Kr'pk]]|Zoallan Scientist|Jason|[[Navigator's Log]]| |[[BattlestationsMike|Bart]]|Human Pilot|Mike|[[Captain's Log]]| |[[BattlestationsSarah|Bucky]]|Silicoid Marine|Sarah|[[Bucky's Log]]| |[[BattlestationsYehuwdiy|Hexblah]]|Canosian Engineer|Yehuwdiy|[[Bursar's Log]]| |[[BattlestationsBots2|Droid Crew]]|various|robots|Does not compute| |[[BattlestationsMarissa|Cyrus]]|Minutian Pilot|Marissa|Retired| |[[BattlestationsStu|Caleb Jones]]|Human Marine|Stu|Retired|