======Cannon====== {{ http://www.battlestations.info/art/cannon.jpg|cannon}} **Blast Cannon** (default mode)\\ __Difficulty__: Target's distance + target's speed\\ __Damage__: (Energy in Gun)D6 **Laser Cannon** \\ __Difficulty__: (Target's distance/2) + target's speed\\ __Damage__: (Energy in Gun/2)D6 **Multi Barrel Cannon**\\ __Difficulty__: Target's distance + target's speed\\ __Damage__: 1D6\\ __**Note**__: Can be fired every phase, does not accumulate Used markers. **What happens on a successful cannon attack**\\ - Roll on the hit location table. Any result that doesn't intersect with at least one module on the enemy ship means the cannon missed. - Roll damage dice. The highest die affects the first module. The successively smaller dice affect modules behind it. - Each 1-3 on a die causes characters in the module to take 1D6 damage. Each 4-6 on a die causes characters to take 2D6 damage and the module to get a broken marker. - Hull damage to the ship equals the sum of all the dice that hit modules, plus the number of dice that did not hit modules. =====Actions===== ===Repair module=== __Skill__: Engineering\\ __Difficulty__: 11\\ __Uses Module__: No\\ __Can be done Remotely__: No\\ __Energy__: None\\ __Can be done more than once per Round__: Yes === Attack with the cannon=== __Skill__: Combat\\ __Difficulty__: //Special// (depends on cannon mode)\\ __Uses Module__: Yes\\ __Can be done Remotely__: Yes\\ __Energy__: 1 Gun energy is used after firing (or failing to fire)\\ __Can be done more than once per Round__: Only in Multi-Barrel mode. ===Reconfigure cannon=== __Skill__: Engineering\\ __Difficulty__: 11\\ __Uses Module__: No\\ __Can be done Remotely__: No\\ __Energy__: None__Can be done more than once per Round__: Yes\\ __**Note**__: Cannon can not be fired in the same Round it was reconfigured. ====Notes==== Module must have an outer facing. Open sides on the module increase its arc of fire for non-Tentac ships. Cannons can shoot missiles. A cannon fired in standard or long-distance mode gains a used marker and cannot be fired in either mode if the module has a used marker. A Cannon fired in multi-barrel mode does not gain used markers, and may be fired even if that module already has a used marker. [p35] [FAQ] A cannon fired in any mode can be converted to any other mode in the same round. [YG 2498] A cannon that is converted may not fire again in the round that it is converted. [YG 2498] A cannon can start a mission in any mode specified by the heroes unless the mission states otherwise. [YG 2498] **Shields** Cannons are affected by shields. Roll damage dice+shield dice and remove the shield number of highest dice.