====== Relics ====== ===== Sombras Que Corta ===== * **The Grandfather's Knife** — The strongest relic. An ordinary knife that was used by the Grandfather to cut off his own arm, removing the prisoner tattoo given him by the Great Houses. The knife includes The Grandfather's shadow. It can only be bonded to a witch who has no shadow. — The Grandfather's Shadow has an infinity of weapons in its arsenal. The Cousin need merely drop what their shadow is holding and they can summon a new weapon appropriate to the battle (even if they don't know what the weapon is. In that case they can work it out very quickly). * Addenda: There may be more than one Knife, or multiple subjective timeline versions of itself can exist at the same time (both Cousin Shuncucker and Cousin Justine have bonded with the Knife). * **Spectacles of Morlock** — Godfather Morlock's shadow spectacles greatly enhance the senses of the wearer. He can peruse the timeline of an animal from its autopsy, listen to the decay rate of the trigger isotope in a fusion bomb or even evaluate the DNA of people he sees. ===== Biodata ===== * **The Doctor's Body** — A body which contains unique biodata codes, possibly lost secrets which could tip the balance of power and help any [[..:..:spiralpolitic:participants:start|participant]] win the war. * **The Pompii Vault** — A thorough collection of Faction biodata codices, biomass chambers and rememberance tanks. Corrupted by Sutekh to imprison Osiris. * **Morlock's Virus** — A biodata virus engineered by Godfather Morlock. After infection, the biodata of the victim is changed to make them a member of Faction Paradox (ie their own personal history is rewritten). This virus only affects the time sensitive when they are at a vulnerable stage. For Time Lords - this only occurs when their defences are down during a regeneration. ===== Misc ===== * **The Book of the Peace** - A detailed history book on the War in Heaven and its conclusion, written by a [[..:..:spiralpolitic:participants:start|participant]]. This book warps time around it such that it is deadly for any time sensitive or [[..:..:spiralpolitic:participants:start|participant]] to approach it. ===== Great House Relics ===== The majority of these are from the Dark Times * **The Coronet of Rassilon** - This golden circlet was encrusted with large stones that focused and amplified the Artron energy of the bearer, effectively doubling their Determination score. It also allowed them to project their will and dominate the minds of other beings up to a number of individuals equal to their Determination simultaneously. * **The Black Scrolls of Rassilon** - These scrolls were made of a special black material that could hold and display vast amounts of information and yet still be rolled up and placed in a small ornate box. There were a number of these scrolls, each one devoted to a particular subject, including historical accounts, lost knowledge, forbidden technological secrets and the personal diaries of Rassilon themself. * **The Death Zone Control Room** - The room used by Rassilon during their years as President of Gallifrey. The controls in this room allowed a person to control every aspect of the Death Zone, from weather to the type and positioning of the landscape. Creatures could be completely removed from their time-streams and placed anywhere in the zone and then transmatted about as the controller desired. The only fixed and unchangeable aspect of The Zone was the central Tower of Rassilon, over which the controller had no control. Once players entered the Tower, they faced Rassilon themself. * **The Demat Gun** - When fired the Demat Gun completely and totally removes a single target from time and space. The target never existed and never will exist for all intents and purposes. Even if someone attempted to go back and ensure the target did, in fact, come into being, they would find the Blinovitch Limitation Field surrounding the intervention attempt to be so strong that all their efforts would be practically doomed to failure from the outset. The temporal shockwave from the weapon is so intense that it typically causes unconsciousness and memory loss for everyone in the vicinity of the target, including the bearer of the weapon itself if they are within range. Note - the Demat Gun has no effect on someone who has undergone [[..:..:play:moves:hunt]] ritual