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faction:start [2023/11/20 12:45] – [Warlords of Utopia] curufeafaction:start [2023/11/20 13:11] (current) – [The True History of Faction Paradox] curufea
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 ====Warring States==== ====Warring States====
->Published by Mad Norwegian Press: +Published by Mad Norwegian Press: 
- +  * [[FactionBook5|Warring States]] \\ Takes place in China, 1900, and concerns Cousin Octavia (the Faction Paradox member responsible for the fall of the Thirteen-Day Republic, as told in The Book of the War).
-  * [[FactionBook5]] +
-Takes place in China, 1900, and concerns Cousin Octavia (the Faction Paradox member responsible for the fall of the Thirteen-Day Republic, as told in The Book of the War).+
 ---- ----
 ====Dead Romance==== ====Dead Romance====
->Published by Mad Norwegian Press: +Published by Mad Norwegian Press: 
- +  * [[FactionBook6|Dead Romance]] \\ Widely acclaimed as a sci-fi epic, Dead Romance by Lawrence Miles has been out of print for a few years but finds a new home in the Mad Norwegian stable.
-  * [[FactionBook6]] +
-Widely acclaimed as a sci-fi epic, Dead Romance by Lawrence Miles has been out of print for a few years but finds a new home in the Mad Norwegian stable.+
 Initially released by Virgin Publishing, the book features Christine Summerfield, a young Londoner/drug-user who happens upon Christopher Cwej, an agent for some higher powers. Together with Cwej, Christine finds herself stalked by Sphinxes, confonts the true nature of Cwej's employers and much, much more. Initially released by Virgin Publishing, the book features Christine Summerfield, a young Londoner/drug-user who happens upon Christopher Cwej, an agent for some higher powers. Together with Cwej, Christine finds herself stalked by Sphinxes, confonts the true nature of Cwej's employers and much, much more.
 ---- ----
 ====Erasing Sherlock====  ====Erasing Sherlock==== 
->Published by Mad Norwegian Press: +Published by Mad Norwegian Press: 
- +  * [[FactionBook7|Erasing Sherlock]] \\ On a fine October afternoon in 1882, Rose Donnelly, maid-of-all-work, disguises herself as a boy in order to follow the callow, yet brilliantly determined Sherlock Holmes in his pursuit of a thief.
-  * [[FactionBook7]] +
-On a fine October afternoon in 1882, Rose Donnelly, maid-of-all-work, disguises herself as a boy in order to follow the callow, yet brilliantly determined Sherlock Holmes in his pursuit of a thief.+
 Through narrow alleyways and cobbled lanes wedged between Whitechapel, Bethnal Green and the broad back of the City, she's led into deeper territory - worlds he knows well. So well, in fact, that he nearly has her collared on her first time out. Through narrow alleyways and cobbled lanes wedged between Whitechapel, Bethnal Green and the broad back of the City, she's led into deeper territory - worlds he knows well. So well, in fact, that he nearly has her collared on her first time out.
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 ====Newton's Sleep==== ====Newton's Sleep====
->Published by Random Static: +Published by Random Static: 
- +  * [[FactionBook8|Newton's Sleep]] \\ War on Earth presages War in Heaven, and denizens of 17th Century England are caught up in a struggle between fallen angels.
-  * [[FactionBook8]] +
-War on Earth presages War in Heaven, and denizens of 17th Century England are caught up in a struggle between fallen angels.+
 ---- ----
 =====The Recordings===== =====The Recordings=====
 ====The Faction Paradox Protocols====  ====The Faction Paradox Protocols==== 
->>Published by BBV: >>+Published by BBV:  
 Audio CD Productions from BBV Audio CD Productions from BBV
 Volume 1: The Eleven-Day Empire", Volume 2: "The Shadow Play", Volume 3: "Sabbath Dei", Volume 4: "In the Year of the Cat", Volume 5: "Movers", Volume 6: "A Labyrinth of Histories"." Volume 1: The Eleven-Day Empire", Volume 2: "The Shadow Play", Volume 3: "Sabbath Dei", Volume 4: "In the Year of the Cat", Volume 5: "Movers", Volume 6: "A Labyrinth of Histories"."
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 ====The True History of Faction Paradox ==== ====The True History of Faction Paradox ====
->>Published by Magic Bullet Production: by Magic Bullet Production: 
 Audio CD Productions from Magic Bullet Production Audio CD Productions from Magic Bullet Production
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: Coming to Dust Link  --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: Coming to Dust Link --></html> Naples, 1763. The Great Ape of Posto di Forragio is on show, an exhibition to amuse jaded foreign tourists. However, there are three Englishmen who recognise that the creature is no mortal beast, but a harbinger of ancient evil from before the time of the Pharaohs-- and one which may presage the return of something thought long buried. --- To prevent this, they must turn to Cousins Justine and Eliza, the mysterious representatives of the Faction Paradox-- but any dealings with the Faction Paradox always come at a price. +  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner1.jpg?nolink&460|Coming to Dust}}]] \\ **Coming to Dust** \\ Naples, 1763. The Great Ape of Posto di Forragio is on show, an exhibition to amuse jaded foreign tourists. However, there are three Englishmen who recognise that the creature is no mortal beast, but a harbinger of ancient evil from before the time of the Pharaohs-- and one which may presage the return of something thought long buried. --- To prevent this, they must turn to Cousins Justine and Eliza, the mysterious representatives of the Faction Paradox-- but any dealings with the Faction Paradox always come at a price. 
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: The Ship of a Billion Years Link --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: The Ship of a Billion Years Link --></html> The confrontation between Cousin Justine of Faction Paradox and the Egyptian deity Sutekh has left the adventurers leaderless and Justine herself a prisoner, enslaved by an ancient and powerful being on a billion-year cruise across the universe. --- As Eliza and the Society of Sigismondo di Rimini go to desperate lengths to locate their lost companion, and Justine becomes embroiled within Osirian court politics, neither knows that they are on a fateful collision course towards a final clash with Sutekh himself... +  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner2.jpg?nolink&460|The Ship of Billion Years}}]] \\ **The Ship of a Billion Years** \\ The confrontation between Cousin Justine of Faction Paradox and the Egyptian deity Sutekh has left the adventurers leaderless and Justine herself a prisoner, enslaved by an ancient and powerful being on a billion-year cruise across the universe. --- As Eliza and the Society of Sigismondo di Rimini go to desperate lengths to locate their lost companion, and Justine becomes embroiled within Osirian court politics, neither knows that they are on a fateful collision course towards a final clash with Sutekh himself... 
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: Body Politic Link --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: Body Politic Link --></html> Facing a divided Council and fighting a nine-hundred-and-twenty-front war across time and space, the War King sends Ambassador Mortega from the Homeworld to the Osirian Court, to combat the new power that has risen in their midst that challenges the might of the Great Houses.  Meanwhile, by gathering the complete biodata of Osiris, Justine plans to resurrect the only Osirian capable of standing against Sutekh the Destroyer. But the forces at work on the Homeworld may soon intervene fatally in Justine's plans... +  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner3.jpg?nolink&460|Body Politic}}]] \\ **Body Politict** \\ Facing a divided Council and fighting a nine-hundred-and-twenty-front war across time and space, the War King sends Ambassador Mortega from the Homeworld to the Osirian Court, to combat the new power that has risen in their midst that challenges the might of the Great Houses.  Meanwhile, by gathering the complete biodata of Osiris, Justine plans to resurrect the only Osirian capable of standing against Sutekh the Destroyer. But the forces at work on the Homeworld may soon intervene fatally in Justine's plans... 
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: Words from Nine Divinities Link --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: Words from Nine Divinities Link --></html> As Sutekh makes a bid to seize the throne of the Osirian Court, Justine and Anubis put their plan into motion. But is the power of Horus himself enough to prevail against the might of the Destroyer?  On the Homeworld, the War King has decided, against the wishes of half the Council, to bring Faction Paradox back into the fold-- a move which may play directly into the hands of the maverick hybrid Lolita, and bring chaos to the Great Houses... +  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner4.jpg?nolink&460|Words from Nine Divinities}}]] \\ **Words from Nine Divinities** \\ As Sutekh makes a bid to seize the throne of the Osirian Court, Justine and Anubis put their plan into motion. But is the power of Horus himself enough to prevail against the might of the Destroyer?  On the Homeworld, the War King has decided, against the wishes of half the Council, to bring Faction Paradox back into the fold-- a move which may play directly into the hands of the maverick hybrid Lolita, and bring chaos to the Great Houses... 
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: Ozymandias Link --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: Ozymandias Link --></html> Guided by a recurring vision and a fragment of poetry, two adventurers take the first steps onto a journey which will lead them to an alien world of nightmarish architecture,  insect civilisations and strange women who are much more than they seem... For on this planet, a tribunal is assembling-- a tribunal which will decide the final contest between Horus and Sutekh, and with it, the fate not only of the Osirian Court and Faction Paradox, but of the universe itself. +  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner5.jpg?nolink&460|Ozymandias}}]] \\ **Ozymandias** \\ Guided by a recurring vision and a fragment of poetry, two adventurers take the first steps onto a journey which will lead them to an alien world of nightmarish architecture,  insect civilisations and strange women who are much more than they seem... For on this planet, a tribunal is assembling-- a tribunal which will decide the final contest between Horus and Sutekh, and with it, the fate not only of the Osirian Court and Faction Paradox, but of the universe itself. 
-  - <html><!-- Begin Faction Paradox: The Judgment of Sutekh Link --><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="460" height="60" border="0" title="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD" alt="Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD"></a><!-- End Faction Paradox: The Judgment of Sutekh Link --></html>  Trapped on Mars, two explorers find themselves pawns in a deadly power game between Faction Paradox and Lolita.  The final battle between Sutekh and Horus threatens to tear the fabric of space and time to shreds. At the end of the day, one side will be victorious-but which will it be?+  - [[|{{:faction:fpbanner6.jpg?nolink&460|The Judgment of Sutekh}}]] \\ **The Judgment of Sutekh** \\ Trapped on Mars, two explorers find themselves pawns in a deadly power game between Faction Paradox and Lolita.  The final battle between Sutekh and Horus threatens to tear the fabric of space and time to shreds. At the end of the day, one side will be victorious-but which will it be?
faction/start.1700513113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/20 12:45 by curufea