Character Questionnaire

(based on the questionnaire of Heather Grove and Tim Emrick

Campaign Setting

These are questions directly related to the Western Shores setting.



The other PCs

General Questions


At the heart of every story there is a character--and usually a whole bunch of supporting characters, too. These are the supporting characters in your character's life.


Who are your character's friends? Most people have someone they enjoy spending time with. The world would be a very lonely place without friends; of course, maybe your character is a lonely person.


Everyone, like it or not, has family. Some people have huge, sprawling families while others have one or two people. Some people love their families and others hate them. Some people don't even know who their families are--only that they must have one out there somewhere, or had one at some time in the past.


Most people have a set of places they tend to frequent--certain inns, stores, farms, villages, towns, and so on. What places does your character like to visit?

Hobbies and Habits

Almost everyone has some interesting hobbies and habits to occupy their time. In particular, a fictional character needs a few good interests and quirks to round them out in order to be compelling. Whether or not these are things you need or wish to put "skill points" or similar things into (in the case of roleplaying game characters) is up to you and your game master (GM); in some cases they may just be colourful background, while other GMs will work interesting abilities into their plots for fun and variety.

Fears and Dreams

Questions about your character's fears and dreams can often be the source of a lot of understanding about what, how and why your character thinks and feels.


Past History

A character's present is rooted in them history. them past has shaped and molded them. Look to the past, and you can find many clues about the future.


Knowing details about how your character lives lends a strong feeling of reality to a game or story. It also gives you the practical details you need to make plots work out.


It's true--you can tell a lot about a person by what they own. What is important enough to them to spend money on?

The Physical Details

Personal Touches

Moods and Reactions