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roleplaying:companions:the_witness [2018/06/12 01:23] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== The Witness======
 +| [[start|Back to Companions]] |
 +===== Background =====
 +<html><table width="100%">
 + <th width="33%">
 + Tags
 + </th>
 + <th width="33%">
 + Moves
 + </th>
 + <th colspan="2" width="33%">
 + Gear
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td rowspan="2">
 + <u><em>Get into Trouble</em></u>: You have a knack for getting yourself into interesting and dangerous
 + <strong>When you use sneaking or guile to learn about something or someone</strong>, tell
 +the the MC how you get into a position to do so, then roll +Clever. 
 + <br>
 + On a 10+, You are
 +well hidden. Take +1 forward when maintain the element of surprise. 
 + <br>
 + On a 7-9, You are
 +hidden, but you have somehow alerted the danger to your presence. If appropriate, it is
 +actively searching for you. 
 + <br>
 + On a miss, you wind up in a 
 + <u><em>Dire Situation</em></u>, and the MC will
 +have the danger take appropriate action.
 + </td>
 + <td colspan="2">
 + You get all the following:
 + <br>
 + <ul>
 + <li><strong>The Sonic Screwdriver</strong> (see below)&nbsp;</li>
 + <li>Multiple outfits appropriate to your look.</li>
 + </ul>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Vortex Tags
 + </th>
 + <td colspan="2" rowspan="3">
 + <strong>The Sonic Screwdriver (+vortex +valuable)
 + <br>
 + </strong>The Doctor’s signature tool. It has had many styles over the years, but it
 +always takes the form of a tube or rod of metal with buttons and glowing
 +crystals attached to it in various configurations.
 + <br>
 + <strong>When you use the sonic</strong>, roll +Vortex. <br>
 + On a 10+, it works without any
 + <br>
 + On a 7-9, it works with some strings attached; someone overhears
 +it, something breaks, or something unexpected happens.
 + <br>
 + It can be used in the following ways: 
 + <br>
 + <ul>
 + <li>As a scanner, similar to the Agent’s Vortex Manipulator or the Construct’s
 + </li>
 + <li>As a lockpick, opening locks of nearly any complexity, given enough time.&nbsp;</li>
 + <li>As a remote control, turning machines and other devices on or off.&nbsp;</li>
 + </ul>
 + <p>
 + You cannot lose the sonic screwdriver. If it is ever mislaid or destroyed, the
 +TARDIS will make you a new one after a short period of time.
 + </p>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + <u><em>A Little Help</em></u>: <strong>When you learn something new from another Companion explaining
 +what’s happening
 + </strong>, mark Experience. If this results in an advance, both of you take +1
 +History with each other.
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Emotional Keys
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + + another 
 + <a href="">
 + <strong>Witness</strong> move</a>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + Pick two: Curiosity, Trust, Fear.
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td colspan="2">
 + You also get the trappings and stuff appropriate to your lifestyle.
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Experience
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Fate
 + </th>
 + <th>
 + Spark
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + (_) (_) (_) &gt;&gt; Improvement
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Romance Move
 + </th>
 + <td rowspan="5">
 + <p>
 + <img src="">
 + </p>
 + </td>
 + <td rowspan="5">
 + <p>
 + <img src="">
 + </p>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Improvements
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + When you have a moment of closeness or intimacy with another Companion, take +1
 +History with them.
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Bonds and History
 + </th>
 + <th>
 + Improvements after your fifth
 + </th>
 + <td rowspan="2">
 + You may only choose one.
 + <br>
 + <ul>
 + <li>________ was there for me on the day she died. (+1)&nbsp;</li>
 + </ul>
 + <br>
 + The Doctor died on your first day as a Companion. You don’t know many people yet.
 + <br>
 + When another Companion suggests a bond with you, politely but firmly tell them,
 +“I’m sorry, it was my first day. You must be thinking of someone else.“
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 +<h2>Changing images on this character sheet</h2>
 + To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the
 + "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-
 + <li>Nothing filled in = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>3 O'Clock = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>6 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>9 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>10 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>11 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>12 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>No Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+4 Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+2 Spark = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+0 Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-1 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-2 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-3 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 +<html><h1>CREATING YOUR WITNESS</h1>
 + Choose your name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.
 + Emma, Sofia, Eden, Fatima, Yeon, JIng, Maeva, Anna, Maria, Sara.
 + Mohammed, Jayden, Noah, Wei, George, Marc, Andrei, Jun, Andrei, Hiro.
 + Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.
 + Flashy outfits, retro duds, business wear, timeless fashion, second hand clothes, jeans&nbsp;& hoodie.
 + Broad face, nondescript face, lean face, round face, weary face.
 + Bright eyes, eager eyes, deep eyes, quick eyes, soft eyes.
 + Stocky body, strong body, soft body, thick body, petite body,
 + Choose one set.
 + <li>(Cool +2, Bold +1, Appeal -1, Clever +1, Vortex +0)</li>
 + <li>(Cool +1, Bold +0, Appeal +2, Clever +1, Vortex -1)</li>
 + <li>(Cool -1, Bold +2, Appeal -1, Clever +2, Vortex +0)</li>
 + <li>(Cool +0, Bold -1, Appeal +1, Clever+2 , Vortex +1)</li>
 + You get all the basic moves, plus <strong>Get into Trouble</strong> and <strong>A Little Help</strong>.
 + Choose one additional <strong>Witness</strong> move.
 +<h2>The Day She Died</h2>
 + There are a thousand theories about how the Doctor died, whispered and debated on&nbsp;millions of worlds. But only you know for sure, because you were there.
 + Answer these three questions about that day. You may ask for input, but the&nbsp;answers are ultimately up to you.
 + <li>Which Companions were there with you?</li>
 + <li>How did she die?</li>
 + <li>Who did she die saving?</li>
 + You may only choose one.
 + <li>________ was there for me on the day she died. (+1)</li>
 + The Doctor died on your first day as a Companion. You don’t know many people yet.
 + When another Companion suggests a bond with you, politely but firmly tell them,&nbsp;“I’m sorry, it was my first day. You must be thinking of someone else.“
 +<h2>Starting Emotional Keys</h2>
 + Pick two: Curiosity, Trust, Fear. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”
 +<h1>Embracing Your Potential</h1>
 + The Doctor asked you to be her Companion for a reason. Despite having no experience, she&nbsp;saw something in you. She knew you could be bloody marvellous. Once you have taken your&nbsp;fifth advance, you can prove her right by choosing another playbook. This choice represents&nbsp;what you’ve learned in your adventures, so choose wisely.
 + You may take +1 (+3) to any stat. Pay attention to the moves in the playbook you choose —&nbsp;you may want to take this bonus in a stat it uses frequently, or choose another playbook if&nbsp;your stats don’t mesh well with it.
 + If you’ve taken the moves <strong>Spooky </strong>or <strong>Prodigy</strong>, you may take them with you, but you must&nbsp;leave all other Witness moves behind.
roleplaying/companions/the_witness.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/12 01:23 by