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roleplaying:companions:the_touchstone [2018/06/12 01:23] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== The Touchstone======
 +| [[start|Back to Companions]] |
 +===== Background =====
 +You had a boring life before the Doctor. Safe, predictable, occasionally fun... but boring, boring, BORING. Then the Doctor picked you out of everyone in London, and propelled you face-first into a grand and exciting adventure beyond your wildest dreams. You were his anchor, keeping his grief from consuming him. You made a difference to him and everyone you touched.
 +And then he left you. Later, you learned he died. Bastard.
 +<html><table width="100%">
 + <th width="33%">
 + Tags
 + </th>
 + <th width="33%">
 + Moves
 + </th>
 + <th colspan="2" width="33%">
 + Gear
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + + any 
 + <a href="">
 + <strong>Touchstone&nbsp;</strong>Move</a>
 + </td>
 + <td colspan="2">
 + <ul>
 + <li><strong>Me Mobile</strong> (see below)</li>
 + <li>Multiple outfits appropriate to your look.</li>
 + </ul>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Vortex Tags
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + + another 
 + <a href="">
 + <strong>Touchstone&nbsp;</strong>Move</a>
 + </td>
 + <td colspan="2" rowspan="3">
 + <strong>
 + Me Mobile (+vortex)
 + </strong><br>
 +Back when you used to run around with the Doctor, he modified your mobile
 +phone. He gave it almost infinite range and the ability to reach through time
 +and space back to your home. Unfortunately, you accidentally ran it through
 +the washing machine after he died. It still has some pretty useful and cool
 +tweaks, however. For instance, the horoscopes it gets become eerily accurate.
 +The text never matches any other source. It seems crazy, but it’s almost as if
 +something is using the mobile to help you.
 + <br>
 +No matter where you may be in time and space, it knows what house the
 +moon is in back home. Once per session, ask the MC what its advice is and roll
 + <br>
 + On a 10+, you confidently decipher the cryptic wisdom it passes to
 +you, and take 2 hold. Tell the MC what you think the horoscope means. 
 + <br>
 + On a
 +7–9, the MC gives you advice on what it means, and take 1 hold. For the rest of
 +the session, spend your hold 1 for 1 to reroll when you Tempt Fate. 
 + <br>
 + On a 6 or
 +less, you completely miss the point of what it said. You gain all the confidence
 +of a full hit, but you in fact have no special protection.
 + <br>
 +Naturally, your interpretation of the advice can be scaled back by the MC if it’s
 +too broad. Additionally, the MC should exploit your misunderstanding when
 +making a hard move.
 + <br>
 + <br>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Emotional Keys
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + Pick two: Trust, Love, Selfishness.
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <td colspan="2">
 + You get the stuff and trappings appropriate to a lower middle-class lifestyle.
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Experience
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Fate
 + </th>
 + <th>
 + Spark
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) &gt;&gt; Improvement
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Romance Move
 + </th>
 + <td rowspan="5">
 + <p>
 + <img src="">
 + </p>
 + </td>
 + <td rowspan="5">
 + <p>
 + <img src="">
 + </p>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Improvements
 + </th>
 + <td>
 + When you are Romantically Entangled with someone, you are each other’s lucky charm. When
 +you have an intimate moment with this person, regardless of circumstances, you both
 +take +1 forward. This works even at a distance, using communication technology.
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 + <th>
 + Bonds and History
 + </th>
 + <th>
 + Improvements after your fifth
 + </th>
 + <td rowspan="2">
 + Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
 + <br>
 + <ul>
 + <li>&nbsp;____________ once saved my family’s lives. I’ll never forget that. (+3)&nbsp;</li>
 + <li>OMG, I totally have a crush on ____________. (+1)&nbsp;</li>
 + <li>____________ is my current BFF. We have been spending a lot of time together
 +lately. (+2)&nbsp;
 + </li>
 + <li>____________ is my confidante. We tell each other everything. (+2)&nbsp;</li>
 + <li>____________ once totally stabbed me in the back. Not cool. (+1)</li>
 + </ul>
 + </td>
 + <td>
 + </td>
 +<h2>Changing images on this character sheet</h2>
 + To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-
 + <li>Nothing filled in = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>3 O'Clock = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>6 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>9 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>10 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>11 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>12 O'Clock =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>No Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+4 Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+2 Spark = <a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>+0 Spark =&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-1 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-2 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + <li>-3 Spark=&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
 + Choose your name, look, stats, moves, bonds, and keys.
 + Sarah, Laura, Emma, Gemma, Becca. Daisy, Blossom, Iris, Jasmine, Rose.
 + Andrew, David, James, Daniel, Paul. Steele, Pierce, Kane, Sampson, Tyler.
 + Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.
 + High fashion, mall fashion, vintage fashion, hipster fashion, urban fashion.
 + Fresh face, chiseled face, elfin face, strong face, vulnerable face.
 + Sparkling eyes, bewitching eyes, shy eyes, hard eyes, intense eyes.
 + Curly hair, long hair, sleek hair, stylish hair, flirty hair.
 + Gym body, lush body, sleek body, cut body, knockout body.
 + Choose one set.
 + <li>(Cool +0, Bold −1, Appeal +2, Clever +1, Vortex +1)</li>
 + <li>(Cool −1, Bold −1, Appeal +2, Clever +2, Vortex +0)</li>
 + <li>(Cool +1, Bold +1, Appeal +2, Clever +0, Vortex −1)</li>
 + <li>(Cool +2, Bold −1, Appeal +2, Clever −1, Vortex +1)</li>
 + You get all the basic moves, plus choose two <strong>Touchstone </strong>moves.
 + Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
 + <li>____________ once saved my family’s lives. I’ll never forget that. (+3)</li>
 + <li>OMG, I totally have a crush on ____________. (+1)</li>
 + <li>____________ is my current BFF. We have been spending a lot of time together lately. (+2)</li>
 + <li>____________ is my confidante. We tell each other everything. (+2)</li>
 + <li>____________ once totally stabbed me in the back. Not cool. (+1)</li>
 +<h2>Highlighted Emotional Keys</h2>
 + Pick two: Trust, Love, Selfishness. Write them in “Mark Experience When…”
roleplaying/companions/the_touchstone.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/12 01:23 by