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Evelyn Abercrombie Character Sheet


Ever since Mumsy and Daddy passed on, after that dreadful business with those nasty strange doggies out on the Moors, Lady Kaye has been the most protective of step mothers a young gal could ask for. Hardly ever has she commented on your academic studies into the Great Poets, and now you are set to marry you own one, true love - the marvellously keen Ducky Bigglesworth - how romantic!


You are 22 years old, having been born on the 8th of November 1864.

Your parents ensured that you had a proper education in all things a young lady should know. You had a particular fondness for both poetry and science. Your mother forgave the latter as your father forgave the former. As you grew up, you set your heart on becoming a famous poet and would have too, if your parents hadn't died tragically on the Moors. Ever since you saw the wolf pack kill them, you've been unable to even approach a dog, let alone mention the word “wolf” to anyone. With the loss of your family, your prospects of being published dwindled away - no one would publish the book of an orphan. But then Lady Kaye adopted you as her ward, being a friend of the family. Unfortunately Kaye was not that keen on poetry and refused to fund any self publishing attempt you would make.

Your Minor Secret

Before you met Lionel, you had a plan in place to help fund the self publishing of your first work of poetry. You started writing racy novels of the sort appreciated by the discerning gentleman. These you found quite easy to get published, and with the money you have been secreting away you hoped to be able to publish (under your real name) your first book of poetry.

What you know about the others

  • Ducky
    • You met Lionel at a Christmas ball and party he gave. You remember seeing him stand out against the richly decorated background of the dining-room, the bright lights almost glinting off his smile. It was almost love at first sight, although he seemed troubled and enigmatic at times. Being in his company did eventually win him whole heartedly. He's a well-to-do gentleman in possession of both lands and has his own manor Rosefield“. When you marry, you would certainly gain both acceptability for publishing and the monies necessary to fund your books of poetry.”
  • Ortensia
    • You've only ever heard your adoptive family refer to Ortensia, not having met her in person before. A young lady of ambition if perhaps a bit too modern in her attitudes.
  • Uncle Vic
    • Although you've lived in the same manor with Uncle Victor for years, you've rarely seen him. He disappears for hours or days at a time. When you do bump into him, usually by the elevators, he always seems to reek of strange smells. A highly learned gentleman, but not very sociable - often eating alone.
  • Aleister
    • Aleister is a cad. He drinks too much, he smokes far too much, and he takes far too many liberties with the female staff.
  • Melancolia
    • If you could have any sister (adoptive or otherwise) in the world - it wouldn't be her. She's too smart for her own good and far, far too dreary and boring. You have often thought she was your exact opposite as anyone can be.
  • Sister Gwynneth
    • You've seen sister Gwynneth come by occasionally - she seems very nice and talkative, but often wants to chat privately with Lady Kaye.
  • Cain
    • A farmhand who has far too much leisure time it seems to you - he's always hanging about the manor. Especially below the terrace gardens. A very rough peasant type. Simple and crude.
  • Jeeves
    • He's the butler. He's always been there. He apparently has no life of his own and always appears to be working as efficiently as possible. You've only ever had (albeit very good) professional interactions with him.


Can I read you some of my poetry? It's everso good…

References and Costuming

Personality: Poetess, dance in the wildflowers, etc.

Reference: Marianne (Sense and Sensibility), Elfine Starkadder (Cold Comfort Farm)

Costuming suggestions: Long flowing dress in earthen colours, a bulky lockable hand bag. Notepads and pencils. Hair should be slightly unkempt.

roleplaying/vgh/vghcharacter1charsheet.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/17 01:42 by