====== A Munchausen "Game" ====== A **Game** is a page, linked from the [[location/setting]] which contains all the linking text, incidental roleplaying and character introductions for the players involved in that particular game. ===== Starting a "Game" page ===== It usually starts with character introductions as they enter the [[location/setting]] and take a seat at the table/bar/moat/object of gathering. The first person to make an entry on a **Game** page is usually the person who designed the [[location/setting]], but if the game is set in an existing location, then the person who is organising the game starts. The first poster should not specify how many seats there are around the table, in case there are late arrivals. As Wiki is retroactively editable - players who arrive late can (and should) edit the **Game** page so that they appear in time to hear all the stories in the game, otherwise they can't really vote on them all, can they? ** Note ** please create a link to a new game on the [[Current Games]] page so it can be found easily. ===== Adding to a "Game" page ===== When a question has been asked on the **Game** page and a player starts their story, they should create a new heading, and a brief descriptive paragraph with a link to their actual story [[page]]. After they have finished their story (with all the wagers and whatnot having been played out on the story [[page]], and all digressions being linked off that story [[page]]), then the other players should add their comments on the story back on the **Game** page. After suitable congratulations on a story well told, the storyteller can then ask her question of the next player. ===== Finishing a "Game" page ===== Once all stories have been told, it is up to the first writer of the **Game** page to ask her fellow players to vote on whose story was best. This is a simple tally. The winner writes a suitable acceptance and the page is ended with a horizontal rule (that's four hyphens) and a link back to the [[location/setting]] ---- Go to [[Munchausen Lite|the rules page]] \\ Go back to the [[start]] page.